Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Down to the wire
Author J6A
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2015-11-13
Language English
Scenario FiAx003

I had read several other AARs which promised a fun scenario here, and it did not disappoint. As the Slovaks, I concentrated a lot of my defense around the bridge, with supporting forces in the woods and opposing the river crossing in the south. One of the 37mm AT guns stayed farther to the back to prevent any deep penetration. Early on, the dug-in Slovaks took a heavy toll on the Hungarians attempting to cross the river, killing several steps, and sending quite a few others back demoralized. These are 7/5 troops, so the demoralized and reduced troops had to roll a 2 or 3 to recover. There were a couple of units that stayed demoralized for the majority of the game.

Hungarian attempts to assault the bridge were unsuccessful, as even when they were able to disrupt some of the Slovak defenders, the Slovaks rolled well on their first fire. At one point the Slovaks had inflicted about 10 casualties while suffering 2. However, there was an issue. A couple of Slovak leaders were lost from either compound demoralization or straight-up casualty rolls. The Slovaks didn't have a lot of leaders with which to start the scenario, and bringing demoralized troops back to good order and then back to the front line was getting difficult.

The Hungarians lost several WW1-era tank steps to a disrupted 37mm AT gun as they crossed the river to the north, however the AT gun I set farther back was unable to achieve the same success against the tanks crossing to the south. And the Hungarians had the numbers to keep pouring across the river, and with their leadership issues the Slovaks could not keep plugging gaps. Eventually, the Hungarians pulled out of the bridge assault, suffering more casualties, and surrounded the bridge with as much firepower as possible and blasted out the Slovak defenders. With no fresh troops and leaders to send them to the bridge, it eventually fell. The Slovaks then started sending troops to the rear as fast as possible, leaving a couple roadblocks to slow down the advancing Hungarians, hoping to retain control of the road and the lead in casualties. However, with 2 turns to go, a boxcars on an OBA strike on the 2nd Slovak AT gun took it out when it was sitting 2 hexes away from Hungarian armor which it might have taken out on its next shot. This was effectively a 3 step swing in the final results. A final push on the last turn saw the Hungarians eliminate a 14th Slovak step after suffering 13 step losses themselves. However, one of the fleeing Slovaks (good order) still occupied a town hex on the east-west road, so both sides got a minor victory, which made it an overall draw. A lot of fun, and it did live up to the hype.

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