Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Burning Panzers Lighting Their Path
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2015-10-28
Language English
Scenario AAAD027

This one has a dug-in force of a little more than an infantry company with lots of armor support, including 2 companies of Shermans, 2 of Lees, and 5 units of half-tracked weapons carriers and an M-6 tank destroyer against 8 halftrack-mounted panzer grenadiers with truck-mounted HMGs, Mortars, and a 75mm AT gun. While the German 16 and 24 OBA factors looks better, it still falls into the same 30 column as the US, so no real advantage there. Light fades after 4 turns, and having rolled for just how dark it would get, I got a night visibility of 2 hexes. The US troops and halftracks dug in on board 77 using the ridgeline to mask their positions, while the tanks spread out over board 78 taking advantage of hill, wadi and rocky terrain to always get at least a -1 modifier to incoming AT fire. The US OBA and armor played a surprisingly active roll this game, as shot after shot took effect. The OBA hit a stack of mortars right after they had unloaded on the east end of the hill on board 77, a roll of 2, and the only survivor a 7-0-0 LT sitting there wondering where everyone went. Shermans and Lees killed Panzers left and right, losing only a single step from one Sherman unit, and later, a step from one of the M-3/75s for a total of 3 steps lost. The Germans felt the fall of the OBA very heavily, with effective morale checks against the entire German infantry line after the infantry dismounted and started across the open terrain, trying hard to make smaller targets than they would remaining mounted. At the end of turn 8, with darkness having fallen, and 38 steps of Germans left in smoking ruins, 12 of those steps tanks, and with the Germans still on board 78 and facing a solid line of US armor and dug-in troops, who had the advantage that the Germans would have to walk into range before being able to do anything about them, I decided it was a good time for the Germans to take advantage of the darkness and pull back. High marks for it even though playing the full length seemed to be overkill. Great game.

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