Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Armored carnage
Author scrane
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2015-10-15
Language English
Scenario AAAD004

I've always been ambivalent about pure tank battle scenarios in PG. I don't think they're particularly enjoyable because they lack many of the features of infantry combat that PG excels at. Tank battles are short, sharp and bloody most of the time, which isn't the kind of battle I want to play.

Nevertheless, this isn't a bad scenario. Its an interesting puzzle for both sides. The Germans have a decisive superiority in armor quality, but they have to escort extremely vulnerable motorized infantry off the map. The Americans have a swarm of weak Stuarts and essentially nothing else.

In my play, I spread the Stuarts out all over the board, dug in with plenty of crossfire opportunities. The Germans entered with just their tanks on turn 1, choosing to hold their infantry back until the American tanks were dealt with. In just a few turns, the Americans had lost 60% of their tanks, but so had the Germans. The Americans still maintained a second line of defense, and the Germans temporarily fell back to regroup. With only 5 turns remaining, the Germans needed to enter their trucks and move them quickly across the board. The problem was that they didn't have enough tanks to guarantee their safety, as the loss of two trucks to long range 37mm fire proved. The Germans chose to retreat.

I was sure the Americans were toast, and they got badly burned, but there is very little chance I think for trucks to safely traverse this battlefield. I might consider dismounting the infantry and letting them fight their way across the board in company of the tanks from turn 1.

Major American victory.

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