Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Toothless Tigers
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2015-10-05
Language English
Scenario Saip030

This short scenario fit the bill for a quiet afternoon. Japanese have 6 infantry, 2 of them reduced, 2 HMGs, 3 81mm mortars and a reduced Type 97 tank. They have to hold as much non-hill terrain as possible south of the east-west road on board 82. The US Army attacks this with 8 infantry, 2 of which are reduced, 3 HMGs, a Flame, an Engineer, and 2 81mm mortars, supported by 2x18 OBA. The best way I could see to hold the low ground is to set on the hills and assault down onto the US troops as they approach, and place the HMGs in good spots to fire as far out as possible to inflict some damage at a distance. The tanks were placed to the west in light jungle where he could either use his DF against US troops or add his weight to an assault on the Japanese right. Japanese in assault are usually pretty good, but the step losses they started out with told against them as soon as the assaults started. The US Army managed to get the better of them, even through the loss of the Colonel and subsequent failure of the Captain to pick up and carry on. The rest of the LTs and the Sergeant managed to regroup several stacks of demoralized or disrupted troops, getting them back into the action fairly quickly, something the higher morale Japanese leaders failed to be able to do. By turn 8, the US could no longer fire OBA or mortar since all potential targets were already being assaulted, and it was a matter of feeding in good order troops as soon as an assaulting platoon started having problems. at the end of turn 9, the last Japanese soldier was killed or run off, leaving the Major and 2 LTs to wander the field. With no Japanese OBA and the Japanese mortars having been part of the casualty list, there was no reason to play out anything more. US had eliminated 17 steps, doubling the 8 they needed for a win, and the Japanese had no way to hold onto anything with just the 3 leaders. Great little battle.

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