Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Against all odds
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2015-09-27
Language English
Scenario AirR007

This extremely small scenario (only 11 counters total) didn't go as anticipated. The US paras start on thr east edge of board 13 and need to take and hold the town hex in 0412 in 16 turns. It took 3 turns to walk down the road to engage the casemate in hex 0409 and finding it unoccupied - those Germans that are to start there randomly from turn 9 on must have been hunkering down really well. The US colonel and the PMG set up in the town at 0509 and gave effective covering fire towards the target hex while the Captain and an airborne infantry platoon moved down the causway to assault. This is where things went badly. The long range fire from the PMG disrupted the German infantry and certainly slowed things down, but then the Germans return fire disrupted the Airborne troops. The Germans recovered quickly and demoralized the airborne troops, who also recovered but not quickly enough. The US colonel and PMGs moved down the causway and into assault just in time for the Germans to get really lucky, killing the colonel, reducing the PMGs and keeping the airborne infantry disrupted. The next turn the Germans finished off the PMGs and took a step from the US paras, and finally the German reinforcements got up the courage to move down the causway and get into the action. The US captain failed a recovery from demoralized and fled into the swamp while the single step of infantry wavered but remained disrupted and contesting the town hex. The German captain and one infantry platoon chased the US Captain and killed or captured him but the US troops in the target hex kept the Germans from taking the town and were still there, disrupted but not demoralized, at the end of the game. A nail biter for such a small game.

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