Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
It's gonna be a loooooong war
Author scrane
Method Solo
Victor France
Play Date 2015-09-22
Language English
Scenario AAAD001

This is a basic infantry attack on a town, nestled between hills. The French defenders have an infantry battalion with limited HMG, mortar, AT and OBA support. An American battalion is tasked with capturing the French town, and while numerically similar boast a 2-to-1 firepower advantage. However, French morale is marginally better, and their leadership is much better.

The French chose to base their defense on the hill masses north and south of town. Placing an infantry company supported by mortars and AT guns north of town, they placed a second company on the hills south of town, all dug in. The remaining company garrisoned the town. A direct American approach would be hit on both flanks and from the front.

The Americans chose to allocate 2 companies to sweep the southern hill mass while the remaining company pinned the northern French force. The hope was that the southern hills and the town could be taken in succession by the southern force, while the northern force prevented any reinforcements from filtering into town late in the battle.

This was a tough slog for the green Americans. Although they had a significant initiative advantage, they consistently lost the initiative to the French elan. While they suffered very few casualties, their low morale and poor leadership left them bogged down in the hills, even while inflicting significant casualties on the French. By mid-battle, the northern hill mass was completely clear and while French defense of the southern hills had collapsed, the Americans were in disarray. In the final turns, the heroic American major, the sole light in a dismal officer corps, continued his aggressive flanking assaults and pressed the attack on the town with an ad hoc company of infantry and engineers. At the same time, the American captain leading the northern force hit the opposite side of the town with a few platoons more. Unfortunately, both attacks were immediately repulsed by French artillery and direct fire before they could enter the town. Rather than add casualties for a lost cause, the major ordered all forces to fall back. A minor French victory.

I don't believe this is a scenario the Americans can win. While that might seem like poor scenario design, I actually consider it a pretty good one because it presents the reality of trying to lead an amateur army.

1 Comment
2015-09-22 16:26

Thank you

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