Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Excellent Introductory Scenario
Author Hugmenot (Italy)
Method Face to Face
Victor Ethiopia
Participants Matt W
Play Date 2015-08-23
Language English
Scenario COOE039

Played with Matt W face-to-face in less than 45 minutes.

A very small Bande force defends a village from a 150% larger Ethiopian Provincial Regular force.

I drew a 6-0-0 leader and a 9-1-0 which means my troops would have no help as to morale. Matt drew the 11-2-2 leader and another with a morale bonus. But Bad luck decided to come in a even larger package.

The Ethiopians rushed forward on turn 1 and I rolled "7" on my first 5 opportunity fire (I think a got a "9" on the sixth roll). With all Ethiopian units and leaders in good order, Matt assaults the village and takes it over in another 5 or 6 turns with all my units dead or demoralized fleeing the town.

Ethiopian victory!

I rated this scenario a "3" but it probably deserves a "4" from the perspective of a newcomer to the series. Very small, only two types of units, few options so you the focus is on the mechanics and the strategy. Its short playing time also makes it possible to play it several times in an evening, experimenting with different leaders to get a feel of their effects on morale and assault.

Hard to say what is the balance with the leader draw being so one-sided.

Highly recommended to newcomers to the series. Recommended to others who want to play a scenario but have less than 1 hour.

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