Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
By the Skin of Their Teeth
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2015-08-07
Language English
Scenario AAAD036

This one started out pretty much with a bang. The US are holding two boards with 2 companies of infantry, 2 HMGs, 2 Mortars, a 37mm AT, a 90/M1, 2 Shermans, 2 Lees, a T30, 2 M3/75s, and enough halftracks and trucks to transport everyone and everything. They start dug in, with just one outpost of an infantry and an HMG with their halftracks on a hill in the northeast where they can fire or call OBA from the beginning, while the rest set up well back, with most infantry and the 90mm holding the last long ridgelines, the Shermans and Lees in between where they can move to hot spots. The Germans have a battalion of Bersaglieris with their 2 HMGs, an Engineer platoon, 2 81mm mortars, 2 47mm and a 75mm guns, an AC90/53, 3 Semovete 75/18s, a Semovente 47/32 and trucks to tow the guns, as well as a German armor task force of Pz IIIJs, a PzIVF2, and a PzIVH. By coming in only on the southern of the two boards, the Italian/German force was able to concentrate their forces, the infantry coming in en mass around the Major, while the armor came in to either side of the infantry, and the trucks towing the guns to the extreme south, hoping to skirt all the trouble and head for the west edge. The German armor got far enough ahead of the rest that the US 90mm gun was able to fire and immediately take out a step of Pz IIIs, and OBA was called in on the tell-tale dust cloud left by the dug-in US gun, and an extremely efficient OBA strike killed the gun and it's truck. That was on turn 1 mind you. Italian infantry moved forward turn after turn, taking the single step loss or demoralization, but staying pretty intact until closing on the line of dug in US troops where direct fire, OBA and guns took their toll. The Semoventes rolled along the southern flank and engaged the US troops in a leap-frog fashion, allowing half to move forward while half stopped and fired. While the majority of the Italian infantry were starting to suffer pretty heavy casualties, one Capitano, an Infantry and an HMG, supported by a Pz IVF2 moved in to assault a US position, which initially took the brunt of the attack badly. Both sides added troops, only to get hit with demoralization results and a step loss here and there. All the while, the Semoventes and towed guns, along with one Pz IIIJ made it off the west side of the board. US armor was stuck, some regrouping and some engaging Italian infantry, so they were unable to have any effect on the Italian exodus. But the Italian losses to infantry and armor still on the board were enormous. As the game came to turn 12, the Italians were no longer in a position to break through or cause more casualties, while US troops were still holding the high ground and causing the occasional bit of discomfort to the Italian infantry, now at the extreme limit of DF range. I looked at the casualty numbers, added up the exit points, and called the game at a draw, 33 points to 25. 2 more turns might have added a point or two to each side, but not likely enough to change the outcome. Well fought, good scenario, that I look forward to trying again in face-to-face.

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