Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Close run thing
Author waynebaumber
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2015-07-22
Language English
Scenario KRBT003

This is the first of the Russian counter attacks in this game, it has a large Guards INF force with both on board and off board art support, supported by a independant tank brigade attacking a smaller German force dug in on high ground. The Soviet commander has thre objectives, take the high ground, take the single hex town to the north of the hills and exit forces. The Germans went for a forward defense ensuring that the Soviets will have to fight for the middle ridge, however woth hindsight a reverse slope deployment may have been wiser. The Red Army units can in fact deploy close to the German lines and should be able to pour fire into the initial German postions. In the first stage of the battle the Red army, after putting down smoke to cover the advance on the town and grouping the HMG's together to hit the first German line, swarm over no mans land and take the first 40m ridge with relative east. The Rusian tank units postion themselves in the centre looking for the chance to exploit to the west. Things were going well for the Red Army but soon the tide tirned in a dramatic way, the Soviet Col leading from the front was killed as ws his second in command in the same turn, command then went to Major Cockupov (7-0-0), who while a good Party man was not an exparianced field commander, he took 45 mins to grasp a hold of the situation by that time German reinfocements had arrived and reinforced the centre ridge. As the Sovet attack recommnced the centre ridge was surrounded but accurate German HMG forced the Guard's to take cover. Meanwhile the T70's had been destroyed by Stug's and a German counter attack from the area around the town had even destroyed 3 T34's. There were now though serious gaps in the German line and Soviet units were exting the map, one objective achieved. Realising that the HMG's could hold the final hill but the town could fall, the German Col moved with an A/A halftrack and the last German INF unit in a desperate bid to reinforce the town, this just worked and at the end of the day a fierce battle was raging in the town, the Soviet unit had pulled back from the cente to regroup. With only one objective achieved the result was a minor win for the Wermacht. Best scenario so far from Burning Tiger's went down to the last turn, not withstanding the result I still believe this one favours the Russian, the German force had some luck towards the end of my game, at one stage the town was held by one DEM reduced unit but FOW intervened and saved the day on the turn, the Germans to reinforce the town had to leave two assault hexes but the free hits all missed. All very exciting. Warning this may be a one map scenario but it is not a quickie and will take at least one long session to complete. Worth the effort though!

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