Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Very one-sided
Author mikosevar (Germany)
Method Other
Victor Germany
Participants berghest
Play Date 2015-06-07
Language English
Scenario BaBu006

Finished this game in about 10 turns. The Americans have very little units and can basically only try to hold on to the village in the center of map 10. The Germans also start with a low number of troops, but I got about 2-3 units per turn in reserves. The StuG showed up by turn 10, but before he hit the table, the game was already decided. Some of my troops circled the village from the eastside, and took positions south of the village. The other issue showed now: even though the American player sent out troops to take these on and win the game by making me lose 6 steps, I could almost be sure to have the first action, allowing me to use the woods to remain out of sight and evade opportunity fire. I did get lucky though, and while I planned to move reserves into the village from the west while laying down suppressive fire from the forest to the northeast, this turned out too succesful: 2-11-12 rolls on direct fire made mincemeat of the US infantry and HMG...

Not a bad mission, but not a lot of fun for the US player.

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