Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Slug Fest
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2015-06-06
Language English
Scenario KRBT003

This short (in number of turns only) scenario starts with Russian and German dug in lines facing each other accross a north-south road. Russians were lined up just about the whole width of the board, while Germans didnt have the strength to do that, dug in in pockets at the north-, mid-, and south-east edges of the major hill mass with the middle force holding two hexes of a 40m hill, while the Major and infantry hold the town. German AT guns were set up, one on the middle 40m hill, one on a northern edge of the hill around a bend in the hill so that he would get the first shot opportunity at any armor coming around that way, and the 75mm Infantry gun set up in the fields west of the town to prevent an encirclement of the troops holding the town. Russians get reinforcements immediately on turn 1 consisting of T-34s and T-70s, and need to achieve as much as possible of their objectives, such as getting at least 8 steps off the west edge of the board; take all 40m hills; take the town, all in 14 turns. Germans can start rolling for reinforcements of 2 StuG3s, a halftrack mounting the triple 20mm AA gun, and a truck towing an 88, with 2 more leaders, one a Col. Russians jumped off and quickly got into assaults with dug-in Germans all along the line, while armor and infantry skirted the hill to north and south. The T-70s made a dash for the west edge, half to the north and half to the south, and while the fighting was going on all accross the hill, managed to get away well before the German reinforcements appeared. In fact, 2 T-34 platoons set up on the 2-hex hill on the western end of the board to watch for reinforcements, hoping to engage and destroy them soon after entry. Air support, available in limited numbers (winner of a roll-off gets 1 aircraft on the hour) and played little value, even considering the 20 and 24 factor aircraft that did appear for the Germans. The DF rolls just weren't there for them. When the German reinforcements did arrive, they move in just south of the range of the T-34s, making it onto the southwest corner of the big hill in column halftrack leading with the LT, StuGs in the middle, and trucks with 88s and the Col at the end. A Russian ary strike was called in on the nasty looking guns, and promply took out trucks, guns and Col with a roll of 2. Following morale checks to see if other leaders were affected demonstrated that they probably didnt even know the Col was in there. In retaliation, though, the StuGs Killed 3 steps of T-34s, eliminating the 4th step when it failed a morale check in a later shot before it could lose it's demoralization status. Not bad shooting! The cheering didnt last long as a stack of 3 SMG RKKA troops, having been dropped off earlier as the T-34s went through, came down off the central hill (they had succeeded in kicking off the German defence earlier) and assaulted the halftrack, eliminating it and chasing the LT into the hex with the StuGs. StugGs and Russian troops exchanged shots for a turn or two until a stack of ATR, Inf and HMG assaulted with a good quality CPT. The StuGs were destroyed over the course of 2 turns, losing 1 step each on each turn, and again leaving the German LT chased out of the hex. In the north, it seemed like the Russians would not take the town until the Major messed up and took his troops out to assault the last of the Russian T-34s. German arty had helped keep Russian infantry at bay, along with accurate DF from the town, but those pesky tanks were just waiting for a chance to enter the town and assault, so the Germans thought they would take the initiative. Bad move. They got bogged down trading blows with the tanks, killing 2 steps but never managing to kill the other platoon before more Russian troops moved in to assault and take the town from one HMG platoon with no leader. The game was a blood bath, Russians with 38 steps lost to Germans with 28 lost, but the Russians had taken all 4 of the 40m hills, had the town secure, and pushed 8 steps of armor off the board for a major victory. The few surviving German dug-in units were slowly failing and dying off, but they certainly took their toll along the way. Great game.

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