Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2015-05-31
Language English
Scenario AAAD003

This small fight has a reinforced Fallschrimjaeger company with a Semovente for armor support holding 2 hills against a similar sized British force with 2 bren carriers for transport and fire support in 2 M3/75s and an M6 tank destroyer. Allies start in a wadi just west of the north-south trail, Germans dug in on both hills. The Germans get random air support, which didnt get much play this game. British jumped right off with the initial initiative, with 2 Infantry and an LT heading accross the short stretch between the southeastern-most Wadi hex hoping to get into assault before losing their strength, while in the north, the 2 Bren carriers moved out smartly with 2 infantry and an LT heading for the smaller northeastern hill. Germans damanged the southern attack quickly with 2 step losses, disrupting the LT and one step and demoralizing the other. The attack in the north managed better, dismounting north of the hill and moving to assault the German Major with 1 Infantry. The Semovente had been dug in on the north side of the southern hill watching for an opportunity to damage some of the light allied armor but moved out to support the Germans in the north, not getting there in time to stop the loss of the infantry and Major but getting there in time to destroy on step of British infantry, disrupting one platoon and demoralizing the step remaining, and placing the british in a bad position just 3 hexes from the dug-in German mortars. The Semovente then turned his attention on the M6 that had moved forward hoping to engage, but losing a step and then retreating back to the cover of the wadi. The British OBA, the fire of the M3/75s and brave attack by the British commander with the HMG and Eng units finally caught up the Germans on the southern hill in assault, but once the British troops were in the hex, all supporting fire had to stop and the Fallschirmjaegers and British troops fought to a standstill, both sides taking morale losses and regrouping but neither getting the upper hand, while the M3/75s moved to try taking out the Italian armor. The M6 finally got up the nerve to leave the wadi, and the combined AT fire took out one step of the Semovente, but the Italian held the hill, forcing the remaining british infantry to assault it, and again, even with the low odds for the Italian, fighting crawled to a standstill. Time moved on and both sides traded morale and regrouping but neiter was able to kick the enemy off of either hill. The British lost 7 steps, as did the Germans, but neither could claim sole ownership of either hill at the end of 12 turns. A 5 for a game that kept the fighting going right to the bitter end.

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