Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
A great introduction to PG
Author garbare83686
Method Solo
Victor France
Play Date 2015-05-17
Language English
Scenario FaoF001

This was only my second time playing PG (this scenario both times). With this one I felt like the rules started coming together, which kept the action moving at a nice pace.

The French deployed in the town and on the bridges, except for the HMG and a sous-lieut who were placed in the heavy woods on the slope at 0706. With the heavy Hotchkiss MG this was going to take some time to pull back to the city if needed. The Germans planned on crossing the river with the ENG and all the infantry units. The guns, and mobile units would put pressure on the town and bridge at 0709.

The ENG unit moved into the river at 0504, where the French Sous-Lt directed the HMG to target them with opportunity fire with devastating effect. The ENG was demoralized which disrupted the entire assault plan. The MTC and SK221 were able to move into the village at 0510 with the MTC being disrupted. Bayonne's detachment followed the road along the river to bring the P178's to bear on the SK221, which they eventually destroyed.

The AT guns ended up in the village at 0507 and both sides wasted a lot of ammo shooting back and forth across the river (lesson here is that it is hard ot gain anything shooting at each other form strong defensive positions, you need to eventually assault to win). The ENG eventually recovered and were able to start helping units across the river after the German HMG's caused a step reduction and disruption for the French HMG.

Once across the river the German infantry units made the slow climb into the forest eventually assaulting and eliminating the French HMG (should have retreated to the town once the river crossing was made).

Both sides struggled to get their reinforcements while the German infantry eventually assaulted the city. The French threw most of their in town forces into the fray in 0807 and 0908. The last hour of the battle was fought in the this part of town (the French reinforcement eventually arrived to help). The Germans finally got their reinforcements, but too late to help before the end of the scenario.

In the end it was clear the French we going to loose the town and bridges, but they had delayed the Germans long enough to win the scenario. The French were helped by some good dice roles while the Germans failed on some critical ones.

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