Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
More Heroes Today
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2015-03-14
Language English
Scenario RtBr028

The Guards earned their title today! The German's lower morale hardly mattered, but the Soviets just would not roll over and die. The Russians set up 2 units and a leader in the two southernmost large town hexes and in both of the two town hexes to the east. Germans took advantage of the darkening skies to move as fast as possible and only moved into the woods when the got close. Initially, the first German direct fire attack on the southwestern town hex rolled some very good hits, eliminating 2 steps and demoralizing one surviving infantry unit, and when the Germans followed up and assaulted that hex, the finished off the troops, but the Hero of the Soviet Union Sergeant stacked with them evaded and moved into the next town hex with the Soviet captain, another infantry and an HMG, and while more germans fired and assaulted that hex, they damaged the two units, even demoralized the captain, but couldnt eliminate the two units. One infantry unit did fail their morale check and fell back into the northeastern town hex, but regrouped and held that hex while the Captain and his remaining troops continued to hold the southeastern town hex. The guards did more damage on the 1 and 3 assault columns than just about anything else, as they continued to disrupt and demoralize German stacks trying to kick them out of town. In the east, the Germans moved up into the fields, forgetting that the fields offered no concealment this time of year and found out how effective Russians could be in the twilight. After several turns, the German sergeant pulled his troops back to regroup out of visual range and hope that there would soon be troops from the west after they finished off resistance in the larger town. That help never came. In the end, after 6 or 7 turns of constant assault in both of the eastern hexes of the large town, the game came down to a draw. 2 town hexes in German hands, 2 in Soviet, and 2 contested. Another great game.

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