Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Italians Did Not Put Up Much of a Fight
Author dreierj
Method Solo
Victor Australia, Britain
Play Date 2015-02-12
Language English
Scenario AfKo005

The attack started at dawn. By 0800, the Australians had taken three entrenchments without suffering a casualty, and were taking positions to assault a fourth entrenchment. Italian artillery and direct fire were ineffective (lots of sevens were rolled), and they had suffered six step losses. By this time, it was clear that the Italians would need to counterattack to slow down the Australians and force a draw, but several demoralized platoons had fled. Italian officers were trying to get them organized and back into the fight.

Only an hour later, the Australians had taken the fourth entrenchment, meeting their victory conditions. They just had to hold these positions for five more hours and keep casualties to a minimum.

By 1015, the Australians occupied five entrenchments. The Italians had lost all off-board artillery support, and were taking accurate direct fire and mortar fire that resulted in more demoralized, fleeing units. One Italian officer rallied a couple of reduced platoons and attempted to recapture one entrenchment. Fifteen minutes later, the officer was the only survivor of that effort. By this time, the Italians did not have enough units (they had lost about 20 steps) to challenge the entrenched Australians, and the Italians quit. In their victory, the Australians did not lose a step! This was opposite of the historical outcome.

I am still learning the P-G system. This was my second play of this scenario. This time, the Aussies got great dice rolls, and employed better assault tactics. The Italians had chances, but did not get the rolls to make a difference. They lost their off-board artillery. Next time (if the random selection of officers allows), I will place the 10-1-2 Capitano in one of the objective positions with a HMG and INF. That might result in some Australian losses.

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