Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Taking Entrechments
Author driddle01
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2010-07-15
Language English
Scenario AfKo029

This is a standard attack scenaio for the Afrika Corps game. The defender has an area of overlapping entrenchments with wire, mines and AT ditches protecting them. The attacker has a much superior force and must break the line. The scenario beings with one hex visibility, and units can only move one hex or become disrupted. This will make slow going early on for the Germans.

In this one, the Australians are the defenders and set up pretty much 1 INF per entrenchment. I place the lone HMG in the center of the line, and the mortar and 65mm together towards the rear.

To get started, the Germans enter with their two ENG's at the south end of the playing area. I concentrate the remainder of the forces behind them, except for 3 INF and one HMG which enter at the just north of them. On the next turn, the ENG units enter two seperate hexes adjacent to entrechment S3 hoping to uncover a decoy mine. No such luck. The ENG units begin to reduce the mines in their hex while undergoign fire from the lone INF unit is S3.

Just north of this, the Germans advance adjacent to the next entrechment and risk mines without an ENG. Bad luck for the Germans, they suffer a step loss in two of the hexes, but also uncover one of the decoy mines. Probably should have waited for the ENG's to clear a path, but I became impatient with a rather short scenario (21 turns).

With one path cleared (through the decoy hex), the Germans begin to file through the opening although slowly at 1 hex per turn. The Germans soon obtain a 2X result against entrechment S3, and take it several turns later through assault. The Germans also move towards the rear entrechments (containing mortar and 65mm), in the hopes of easy pickings.

With this second entrechment taken, the Germans begin to methodically concentrate and eliminate three more entrenchments for the victory.

this was an interesting scenario, and although the Germans won fairly easily at the end, I do enjoy the challenge of breaking through the defensive barrier of mines and wire.

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