Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
SS to tough (and lucky) for the Red Army
Author waynebaumber (Germany)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants Hugmenot
Play Date 2014-12-19
Language English
Scenario KurS028

This was a scenario of first's for me. First time using 4th edition, first game against Hugmenot and a first FtF game in this module. This is a fairly simple town attack scenario, the SS have to take the town and inflict step losses, there is a fairly tight time limit of just 10 turns but the SS outgun the defenders and have better initiative. Daniel's set up was solid if predictable but to be honest I can not see any really better way to defend the town. The SS enter from the East, my plan was to use fire and movement with the HMG and SCH prior to the last three turns where I would launch my assault. The MTC would skirt around the town and look for the hidden artillery. This simple plan worked helped by some good die rolls, in fact I assaulted the first town hex far early than planned but this was a good thing as 4th edition assaults tend to take longer to resolve with more Morale checks inflicted than X results. As this is my first game I may be mistaken about this. Once I had found all the ATG & Artillery I brought on the A/A soft skinned truck for extra firepower for some reason I drove it straight towards the town where accurate SMG fire soon set it running away, an error but the major one I made. Eventually the assaults began to wear down the Soviet defenders but once again I was getting more than my fair share of the luck, and by turn 8 I thought it was in the bag and in fact the following turn Daniel conceded. This is solid standard PG fare, possibly better played Solo as there is little for the Russian player to do other than shuffle his town defenses around as best he can. Also for me a good introduction to the new edition rules. Thank you Daniel for your patience.

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