Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Chasing Rabbits
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2014-12-03
Language English
Scenario Saip008

I set up the defending Japanese in the spread out method discussed in other AARs, forcing the Marines to spread out in order to get them all. The Service/FO element went in the light jungle at the foot of the southern hill, everything else in heavy jungle forcing the Marines to get in close before being able to use their firepower. For the first few turns, it looked like the Japanese might hold out, as USMC rolls were pretty horrible. The off-table arty did little but disrupt some Marine companies for a bit and the Japanese troops, even with the increases in assault for being Japanese infantry, didn't help them much but initial assaults by the Marines just rolled badly. Taking a turn or two of direct fire first did little. But by turn 6, Marine luck was turning around, and although they didn't kill anything outright, there were demoralized reduced platoons fleeing in 3 areas leaving disrupted platoons trying to hold on. Finally the Marines started rolling well and Japanese defenders started to drop away at both north and south edges, leaving small Marine forces to try to catch the Japanese HMG, Mortar and Ser elements in the middle. The Ser element was a slippery one but finally found himself caught between 4 small stacks, and as the Mortar and HMG elements died in assaults, the Ser unit decided he would at least go out trying to take somebody with him. No such luck, the Marines rolled snakeyes and the Ser rolled a 5. At the end of 10 turns, there were no Japanese troops or leaders left on the board and the Marines had taken no losses.

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