Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Catch me if you can
Author arixius
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2014-10-09
Language English
Scenario BaBu034

The Germans have to clear board 9 or clear a town on board 10 and the Americans only had to eliminate nine German steps.

Since the Germans did not have a singe AT weapon (other than in assault), the US dug-in his HMGs, APCs and a bunch of leaders with combat factors in a line in front of the town. Due to the 5 hex HMG/APC range any German approaching would have to take two turns of heavy fire before they even begin to assault.

On board 9, the US deployed a group of dug-in units farthest away from the German entry hexes. This would force the Germans to march 16 hexes through an OBA barrage before getting into assault range.

This is where the victory conditions are so important to creating a good game and this is why I rated the scenario a 2. The German has to either assault a dug-in cluster of units or enter an urban assault without losing nine steps. Knowing that is near impossible the German player chose to clear board 9 with the understanding that he will lose more than nine steps but will be able to force a tie.

The German units enter sporadically so they paused out of sight to group the units prior to the long march. Better to overwhelm the OBA with targets. The US sent out FOs but it was only a few turns until they were overrun by the advancing Germans.

The Germans crossed the board to swarm the dug-in troops and lost six steps from OBA. US only needs three more. Eventually board 9 is cleared! A tie is assured! But wait...

Once again the victory conditions let us down. To ruin the German victory condition the american just has to get one unit on the board 9 by the end of the scenario. Waiting until near the end of the scenario the Americans sprint their four APCs toward board 9. They all reached board 9 but two were snagged in an assault so they don't control the hex. The other two just dashed away from any approaching German. So in the end only the US had earned a victory condition (eliminating 9+ German steps) and therefore win the scenario.

I don't like victory conditions that create such "gaminess".

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