Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
British attack falters and runs out of steam
Author waynebaumber
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2014-08-13
Language English
Scenario LIBE006

Played solo in three longish sessions, this scenario has a large British battle group attacking a German defensive line. A good mix of units make this a most interesting scenario. In my game the Brits pushed up the middle of the board with their main force of RIF and WPN units, there was a small diversionary attack on the right flank, with another large force on the left flank containing most of the British "Funnies". The British armour was not fully committed until the various A/T guns had been located and dealt with. The German had also kept the STUGS in reserve along with a single GREN company but otherwise were in hedgehog defense around the main objectives. The attack started brightly with the dreaded 88's located and destroyed by Navel OBDA and the first town falling to the diversionary attack, and the second falling after a stiff fight to the main attack. However the German defense stiffened and soon accurate MG and small arms fire were taking a heavy toll of the Tommies. The British commander decided to throw in his Sherman platoons to stiffen the attack, the STUG's though soon responded and in the ensuing tank duel destroyed 9 steps of Shermans for the loss of just 1 step of STUG's, a 75 A/T gun also took out more Shermans and with excellent MTR fire the diversionary attack was stopped in its traks and sent reeling back to its start line. After 3 hours the British attack had been halted. The Brits though regrouped and launched further attacks, in these attacks the Brit flamethrower tanks excelled and pushed deep into the German lines, the AVRE tanks also proved their worth in the heavy street to street fighting on board 58, the STUG,s now had to move from their prepared dugout and were picked off one by one by the few surviving Shermans, the last STUG step being destroyed on the last turn by the only successful Typhoon attack of the day. At the end of the game I could not tell who had won until I added up all the VC which in fact resulted in a major German victory. Those heavy RIF losses (35 steps) were the difference. *An excellent scenario, in fact almost a 5, love to play this one FtF though I suspect with hidden units and our house rule of A/T guns also being hidden it would be even a harder task for the good guys.**

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