Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
SS bet the farm and almost win
Author tlangston28 (United States)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor United States
Participants campsawyer (AAR)
Play Date 2014-07-16
Language English
Scenario WiSo013

Schnellgruppe Knittel is a great little 14 turn scenario that features a larger American force tasked with capturing the Antoine Farm and keeping the SS off of and adjacent from the road hexes west of the farm. The Germans have a deceptively smaller force, made up for by the better DF factors of GREN and HMG units. This scenario was played against Alan Sawyer over 3 short weekday evening sessions and provided a tense, fun battle whose outcome was undecided until the very last turn.


The German setup with the STBNFR 10-1-1, HMG and GREN in Antoine Farm, along with an ENGR and HPSTFR dug-in the adjacent hex (1014) and a GREN, SPW251 and OSTFR dug-in 1114. The SPW251/22 was dug-in a little farther north in 1215. The Americans were arrayed along the road behind the hill on board 22, led by a MAJ 9-0-1 and a CAPT 11-2-1, with the M4 and M5 tanks on the left (South) flank. The original plan was to move the tanks over the open ground while the INF, HMG, ENG and MTR units would go down the road and setup in the woods just outside the farm. The tanks would then meet up with the infantry and assault the farm.


The Americans began their attack by moving down the road and forming up in a line centered on the CAPT with an ENG and a HMG, a SGT with 2x INF on the left and a LT with an INF and a HMG on the right. These units were followed by the MAJ with 2x INF and another LT with 2x 81mm MTR. The first several turns were spent getting into position, which was made easier by the fact that most of the terrain east of the farm was various wooded and light wooded areas. The armored units moved along the south edge, staying away from the 75mm PaK 40 gun on the SPW251/22 dug in to the north. The infantry units moved through the wooded area just east of Antoine farm and setup by turn 8 in the hexes just inside the wooded area. Over the next several turns the Infantry, Armor and OBA attempted to break the defense on the farm or in the dugout positions by the Engineers by sheer firepower, while the platoon of M5s moved west to intercept German reinforcements. An infantry platoon was obliterated as it approached the farm and it looked like it would be a tough struggle to capture the farm. Despite the M5 scouting platoon effectively eliminating the Puma platoon by demoralization, the Americans could not get a foothold in the farm. Finally, on turn 11, the OBA and direct fire on the farm and dug out positions forced the Germans into disruption and demoralization and were able to move into positions for Assault. Assault occurred on turn 12 and would go on for 2 more turns. In the meantime, a GREN platoon, SPW and an OSTFR were moving around the rear of the American lines attempting to draw the attackers off the assault on the farm, but the Americans stood fast, knowing that the Farm was the key to the entire scenario. There were two opportunities for the Americans to gain a victory. Turn 13 saw the loaded GREN, OSTFR on the SPw251 within range of the M5 guns and had they hit, the Americans would have been primed for a Major Victory. As it was, the American M5s missed but the assault was able to clear the farm of German units. After the Americans took the farm, the final SS units were moved down the road and were unable to be pushed from the road to secure the Major Victory.


When looking back on this scenario as a selection, this wasn't even 3rd on the list of options to choose from. However, I will remember this scenario as one of the best that I have played in my 20 or so games of PG. Despite the fact that it looks like the Americans have the edge, if the setup is done correctly, the German has a real chance to win. In fact, here was the situation on the last two turns and how each victory condition could have been attained:

American Objectives: take Antoine Farm and prevent German forces from being on or adjacent to the road east of Antoine Farm.

German Major - required 5 US step losses and no US objectives. - on turn 14, The US had not cleared the road and were on the final assault roll in the farm and had taken 4 losses.German Minor - required no US objectives. - Again, see above.

American Minor - One US Objective - by the end the US had taken the Farm but the road was not clear of Germans (Game Result).

American Major - Both US Objectives - the farm was taken and had the M5 hit the SPW251 loaded with a GREN and Leader, the 2nd objective would have been achieved with no chance for the Germans to get back to the road.

In all cases, when Turn 14 came around, any one of the victory conditions could have been met - so in my opinion, one of the best I have played.

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