Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Pass in Review
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2014-07-15
Language English
Scenario EFDx062

In this scenario a large force of Soviets are trying to penetrate the German lines to disrupt the German advance. Nearly a full regiment of Soviets are included against a battalion plus of Germans. The Soviets need to advance across a long sided board to accomplish their victory conditions (get more steps off the board than the number of steps destroyed), however they have tons of troops and some strong OBA to help. Plus, and this isn't a little thing, they have morale to match and exceed the Germans.

I decided to work in echelon, with my left wing of two companies moving into the woods to engage the more heavily manned section of the German line. Another two companies would engage the center of the line next. Once the Germans were fully involved in those two areas the mass of the troops would exit the town and make a dash through the lightly held western section of the line to exit the board.

In retrospect the echelon idea worked nearly to perfection as all German reserves which had been held behind the entrenchments along the road in the woods became involved in repulsing the Soviet left wing. The central attack forced the Germans to reveal themselves in their supporting positions in the woods to the south of the town where the Soviet artillery had a field day.

Ultimately nearly a whole battalion of Soviet troops managed to exit the board but the cost was excessive. They managed to knock out all of the StuGs and destroy another 10 steps of Germans but they lost nearly every step that didn't exit, resulting in a German victory.

It was a fun play but a much more difficult task for the Soviet player than for the German. Interestingly, I think this one would play much better in a face to face venue than in solitaire. The 40 turn length lends itself to a whole lot more cat and mouse than I had the patience for. I give it a "3" but at its height with the Soviet forces passing the German defenses and the count becoming very close for a Soviet victory it was a "4" and only lost the ranking as the likelihood of a Soviet victory faded.

I would strongly suggest looking at this one for a ftf play and will do so myself.

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