Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
First Game of Panzer Grenadier and I got Hooked!
Author armyduck95 (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Germany
Participants unknown
Play Date 2008-12-27
Language English
Scenario WhEa002

This was my first introduction to the PzG system that has led me to purchase nearly every part of the game.

This scenario is a well balanced game where the attacker has sufficient mass and firepower to dislodge a fortified defender. If the defender sets up right in a close and integrated defense, he should be able to deny the German attacker victory by either preventing clearance of the road or the destruction of all the strong points.

In this play I was the Germans. The Germans attacked with two major kampfgruppes: 1 up the main avenue of approach and one on the eastern side of the maps. The Polish setup with a company (HMG, 2 x INF) on the southern hill, a dug-in HMG defensive line on the base of the main hill, and the remaining forces around the key defensive terrain of the town on the ridgeline.

The Germans quickly dispatched the forward Polish company and proceeded to advance north. The 75mm guns were set up in the towns along the main road while the main body then advanced to set up massed HMGs and fix forces in the town while the second force advanced to flank strong points. Polish HMGs were able to pin my advance for awhile until airpower kicked in.

The Germans were able to win the game be destroying all enemy strong points and clear the road.

Polish observations: 1. Mass you defenses, do not split your forces. The Germans are too massive and can bypass or overwhelm piecemeal defenses. 2. Distribute your strongpoints as best as you can. 3. The hill is key terrain - fortify the town,the Left and right flanks. Minefields should not be dispersed but laid as either a turning obstacle or an obstacle in front of the town to fix German forces or disrupt their advance by forcing their formation to another direction. 4. Do not expose the 40mm AA gun or HMGs too early or they will be targets for indirect fire and aircraft. 5. There is no need to expose the Poles too early as they will be able to observe 15+ hexes for their small indirect fire assets. Polish in direct fire should look to target German artillery in order to make the best of bombardment column shifts.

German Observations: 1. Clearly defined chains of command are essential to maintaining tempo. 2. Expect to lay down massive fire by using your HMGs as a mobile fire support group/

Overall this was a very good tactical challenge and an excellent introductory game. To date this remains my favorite scenario.

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