Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Pushed Hard at Blue Beach
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2014-07-05
Language English
Scenario Saip004

Interesting scenario, a US Marine inland move from the beach to get a foothold on a hill overlooking the south end of the beach. 3 LVTs and 3 Marine platoons, plenty of leaders and 2 LVT support vehicles vs 2 Japanese infantry platoons, a SER platoon, 37mm AT, 75mm and a mortar, dug in or in jungle on the hill. I placed the AT assets at opposite sides of the hill as the Marines has 2 directions of approach to take advantage of trails. Marines took the southern route, triggering ineffective AT fire from the 75 but allowing the spotting of that unit on the outcropping of the hill. The Marine support platoons blasted away while the infantry carriers moved up to the base of the hill and unloaded the troops ready to assault. In a following turn, the Marines assaulted the SER and AT gun with a 9-0-1 Sergeant, the SER losing a step to no damage for the Marines. At that point, the Japanese fire got hotter. 3 times during the next few turns, as the Japanese troops being assaulted with a defense value of 1 due to their status, snake-eyes were rolled, eliminating a Marine step. These were the only real Marine losses during the game, but had they lost one more, it would have become a Japanese victory due to lack of presence left on the hill - needed 7 steps, and LVT4s don't count. I moved the 2 supporting LVT units up, and at the end of turn 9, the game ended because the only things left for the Japanese were 2 officers and the 37mm AT in a spot that couldn't see to fire on anything else. The Mortar lost it's one step rolling a 12 for morale check after already becoming demoralized. Great short scenario.

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