Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Don't Get Greedy
Author rerathbun
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2014-04-27
Language English
Scenario Airb003

The Americans could have had a win on this one, but they got greedy.

The paratroopers occupied their first objective before the Germans could move. The Germans quickly occupied the other two. When the American reinforcements arrived, they moved up to take the town objective. They made good progress despite having to assault in the town and gained the advantage over the German defenders.

With the second objective under assault, the American artillery went after the German defenders in the third objective just to keep them occupied and prevent them from reinforcing the ongoing assault. They got some very lucky shots on the third objective, leaving the Germans with one reduced platoon in the hex. The paratroopers then stripped the defense of the first objective taken in order to assault and take the third. The idea was to take all three objectives (they only needed two for the win), then redeploy from the assault hexes to hold all three equally. This would force the Germans to retake all three to avoid the draw.

The German reinforcements came in early (on the third try) before the Americans could finish taking the town hex. This allowed them to move up and successfully assault the lightly held first objective hex. The scenario ended with the Germans holding one objective hex and the other two still contested.

Had the Americans contented themselves with trying for only two objectives, they likely could have kept both of them and won.

A good scenario. It came right down to the final turn.

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