Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Never watch sausage being made
Author Matt W (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Germany
Participants Hugmenot
Play Date 2014-04-27
Language English
Scenario KurS032

This is a potentially overwhelming scenario. Both forces need to consider attacking and arranging to defend against the opponent. The Germans start out with the upper hand and need to take advantage of that, taking some territory from the Soviets and then be able to withstand an expected Soviet counterattack.

Daniel arranged his forces relatively evenly across the field and I posted heavy forces in the large town and on the large western hill. My goal was to use the force in the west to try to take control of the large hill in the Soviet setup zone while defending against the expected Soviet assault on the towns to the east. To have a mobile defense I put two companies in limiting terrain mounted on SPWs to enable a quick counter should the Soviet attacks stall.

Daniel moved his initial armored reinforcements to fight against my western assault but my PzIVH optics must have been recently recalibrated as they absolutely shredded the Soviet T-34s. As it became apparent that I would be able to gain a foothold on the hill, Daniel launched his infantry assault in the east. Unfortunately, he found that my artillery had similarly improved their efficiency. Out of four attacks of company size or larger only one was able to penetrate even the front line and it was thrown back by carefully dug in Panzers.

Daniel watched as the score rapidly escalated against him, reaching 80-60 the first possible turn for his final reinforcements. By the time my reinforcements arrived the score was 111-61 and we decided to continue playing only so that Daniel could kill a Tiger step. By the time turn 11 had come and his last throw at the Tigers was dispatched (artillery knocking out the last 85mm AA gun) the score was 132-59 and his turn 5 reinforcements still hadn't arrived.

Don't get the wrong idea though. This is a darn good scenario. Daniel's premature assault caused him to fritter away his infantry in a wasteful manner (we always discuss strategy after the fact). We believe that the Soviets should sit and take the German assault thereby avoiding the losses he experienced. I give it a "4".

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