Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
The poorer cousin...
Author dricher
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2014-04-06
Language English
Scenario Airb019

This scenario is the poorer cousin to scenario 8, Second Best. This is in terms of both number of pieces and play enjoyability. Timeline wise, it occurs before AB8, and I am curious as to why they were arranged out of order like this. I suspect it's because this box needed a bang-up good action scenario in the middle of the set, and AB8 provided that. That being said, this is still a decent scenario overall, if a bit sided to the Germans. I rated both as a '3,' but AB8 leans to a 4 where this leans to a 2.

The Germans set up in town, placing the 20mm and (.5)HMG in the southern end to cover the bridge. The Americans set up in the woods to the south of the river. As a side note, they set up in at least two hexes as prescribed, especially as to do otherwise would violate stacking restrictions. The Americans quickly seized the bridge, and the Germans began long range fire and bombardment of the Americans. The 16 value OBA on the German side was devastating. It eliminated two American steps in the first seven turns, plus the Germans took out one more in a hasty assault that cost them the half step of HMG and half step of Gren. But it placed the Germans at three of the five steps necessary to win.

At this point German reinforcement rolls started, and everything but the ENG came in pretty quickly. While all those reinforcements were moving towards the battle area, continued bombardment and heavy fire kept American units running to the rear. Noting a definite weakness, the two full strength Grens make another assault attempt, gaining the extra point of help from an LT with a combat adjuster. In the end, the assault is a suicide mission, as the entire force is eliminated. BUT, they do their job, rolling a '6' on the 18 column, inflicting two step losses and achieving the German victory conditions. Now the American can play for the draw, needing to hold the bridge for 13 more turns.

It's not to be. The German OBA kills a third step for the scenario, and the Americans are getting kicked around. The bridge is defended by a dug in HMG and half step of Paras. Another devastating OBA hit demoralizes the HMG, which ends up fleeing while the German HMG, ENG, and two Grens run for the bridge. Op fire is ineffective against the German rush, and the assault goes in. The Americans hold for one turn, giving the demoralized HMG a chance to link up with the half step of ENG hiding in the south woods to form a final defense. The second assault turn sees the Americans wiped out, but causing some German disruption on the way. The Germans keep hitting the Americans with arty while the full infantry force rushes over the bridge to get in assault position. The Germans quickly dispatch the ENG in an assault, roll in on the disrupted HMG, and finally take the unit out on the final turn of the game. Only the American Captain survives to tell the story.

Total German victory, holding the bridge and taking out all ten steps of Americans. German losses total six steps and two leaders. The OBA is just too devastating in this scenario. Yes, the German rolls were good, and happened fairly early on, but the Americans don't have enough force to kill off both waves of Germans. The initial forces cut the Americans in half, leaving the reinforcements to mop-up duty. Fun scenario, but the Germans are just too strong. Eliminate/reduce the OBA or eliminate the 81mm and this would be a heck of a battle.

2014-04-07 02:09


Just read your AAR. Don't know if you are aware, but the Americans won the one other play of this scenario ?

2014-04-07 20:42

Yes, and that surprised me. Reading it closely, it appears the German reinforcements never arrived. Had that happened in my play, the Americans might have pulled it off with one less OBA success. I suspect driddle may have forgotten about the reinforcements. Given a couple of other AARs he wrote for AB I suspect it is very possible. He mis-attached one to the incorrect scenario, and had an American victory in a scenario that has the Americans losing before play even starts (stay tuned for that one...)

2014-04-08 02:03

Oh my goodness, that will make for an exciting play :-)

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