Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Fought Out
Author Matt W (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Draw
Participants Hugmenot
Play Date 2014-03-16
Language English
Scenario KurS033

Played this one in one session with Hugmenot (Daniel). There was a LOT of luck going both ways. My German reinforcements arrived on the first turn possible. He rolled two straight 12s killing four steps of StGs, I was able to destroy 6 steps of T-70s on four die rolls, I kept rolling 12s on morale checks, he had a lousy major who nearly managed to decapitate his force, etc., ste.

Despite all of this, it seemed as though each time one player had some bad luck there was a swing the other way which led us crashingly and exhaustingly to a draw with Storozhevoe a massively contested town (2 Soviet hexes, one German and one contested but plenty of shooting and assaulting and counterassaulting going on.

Ultimately the Germans had to rely on air power to win this one, a rare occurence in any PG scenario. Most Kursk sceanrios have air power in them but rarely do they generate a big result. Here, however, four steps of Soviet tanks (mostly T-34s) were destroyed by the Stukas armed with the 20mm cannons (the "4" DF but "3" AT unit), in three attacks (rolls that kind of balanced out the two 12s on +1 tank shots that Daniel had).

In terms of the strategy, Daniel came straight down the road, clearing out the northern fields and entering into a remarkably tough platoon of SS troopers in the southern fields. The German reinforcements made a long run around the field and entered it from the south in order to push towards Storozhevoe. Some force was able to enter the town but could not complete the comeback as each time the Germans seemed poised to jump out to a big lead there would be more surprising losses. After 15 turns we called it a draw as neither side really had the force to make the other side tip over.

I give this one a "5" as both sides have a lot going on and there is always the chance to pull out victory and many ways in which to do it. I expect that the scenario leans somewhat towards the Germans in general as they have more routes to victory than the Soviets but it is a blast none the less.

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