Panzer Grenadier Battles on September 20th:
Counter Attack #45 - Crossing the Han Polish Steel #9 - Our People are Beating the Drums
Land Cruisers #6 - Bring me the Head of St. John the Baptist
Took longer to write the AAR
Author dricher
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2014-03-08
Language English
Scenario Airb004

This scenario is pretty straightforward. Americans spotted the stronghold in 0409, noted it was not empty, and moved to approach on the town side. The grens moved into the town, failed to impact the American paras with opp fire, and the Americans jumped them in the town. The grens demoralized right away, and fled to 0412 as fast as they could run. The Americans moved on the strongpoint (turn 9) and assaulted to prevent German reinforcements. The 3-4 stronghold held out for an inordinate amount of time as the Americans could not inflict a step loss and it kept passing morale checks. The Americans finally eliminated it, but had the HMG and Col disrupt in the meantime. The grens couldn't pass a recovery check (to disrupted) until the Americans were entering 0412 (the 4-4 strongpoint failed to affect with opfire), and in the resultant assault combat the Americans lost one step while only managing to disrupt the defenders. Game ended on time with both sides heavily disrupted and still contending over the victory hex.

Until the step loss, the Americans never lost a column on the assault hex. Not a lot of decisions in this; must occupy 0409 on turn 10 or face overwhelming German force, must assault to get anything done. Germans can be a bit aggressive with grens when they have occupied strongpoints, and just keep falling back. If the strongpoints were empty, the Americans would have rolled the grens up. With two occupied strongpoints the Americans just lacked enough strength. Too much randomness with two strongpoints totaling 67% of starting German strength.

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