Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
The "Filthy Fifth" gets rolled
Author Brett Nicholson (Britain)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants vince hughes (AAR)
Play Date 2014-03-06
Language English
Scenario AfKo034

I picked this one out for one of Vince and I's brief evening sessions as it was just 9 turns and seemed to have a fair enough play balance. I thought in the worst case it may end in a draw but it turned out even worse than that for me as the British player. I basically set my three units of outdated A13s with one attempting to block the road and the other two spaced apart on each flank. The PzIIIs rolled right up braving opportunity fire leaving their little thin-skinned PzII buddies behind and out of range. I didn't bother with opportunity fire as I would of needed to roll "12"s to get a hit. Instead I began to dig-in with the tanks blocking the road and relied on the flanks for supporting fire. Digging-in was probably not the best idea as I already benefited from being on a higher elevation and it ended up costing me four potential shots; I was already outnumbered and outgunned as it was. So the PzIIIs eliminated one step of my clunkers on the south flank leaving the remains demoralized and fleeing. Not one of my shots made it through the thicker German armor; I needed "11"s and the closest I got was rolling one "10". Soon the tank platoon on the north flank was reduced and disrupted and Vince was able to easily manuever around and get behind my last good-ordered tank attempting to hold the road and crossfire was set-up and soon utilized with deadly efficiency. By the fifth or sixth turn all of his panzers were able to exit before sundown with no casualties while all that remained of this detachment of the "Filthy Fifth" RTR was one demoralized and reduced A13 scurrying away south.

Not an awful scenario overall, just not exciting enough to warrant a "3" rating from me as a shared play. It was really up to a few dice rolls and whoever got lucky first. As the British I had zero luck. If I had been able to score just one hit and at least delay the panzers then I would of had a chance at at least a draw and also balanced the odds with being outnumbered as the PzIIs really didn't count towards a firefight. In hindsight it may of been better to have deployed on the road only and then spaced apart along it instead of spreading out in flanks. Digging-in the one unit was probably not very brilliant either as it ate up two turns. Probably even more humiliating was having my girlfriend actually observe this as a spectator for her first viewed PG game. I guess if any good comes out of this she has said she wants to play PG now! So this did suit for a quick evening play but quicker than I imagined as it was all over in less than an hour. I also think it's good instructional scenario for introducing a beginner to armored units.

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