Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
No stopping the bumrush
Author Brett Nicholson
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2014-02-12
Language English
Scenario EFDx015

Usually I finish scenarios out even after one side has reached their VCs and secured either a victory or a draw just to see how things pan out in the end but there was no interest or reason in doing that here with this one. It's not a broken scenario and perhaps would be very good for a shared match but solo it turned out to be a disappointmant. It was an undisputable Soviet victory at 13:30, the beginning of turn 11, after a total of 23 Soviet steps had easliy exited the east edge of the map.

The flaw in the German operation was that foot units decided to advance and engage the Soviet horde hoping to push them back into town. Step losses mean nothing to the Soviets in this one and they just kept pushing forward not concerned with opportunity fire and even made the effort to conduct a successful assault on German INF that were attempting to barr their way. The only thing the Germans managed to accomplish was to eliminate 75% of the T-26s with their 37mm AT gun but the Soviet tanks didn't even try to stay out of range of it and still got one reduced T-26 off the map. Demoralization was the best thing to happen to Soviet units which had made it past German lines and failed recovery rolls even better as it helped them to reach the east edge. If the Germans had deployed closer to the east edge then a lot of this mess could have been avoided as demoralized Soviet units would of either of been halted or forced to flee back towards the town. The Soviets also recieved 3 more leaders (1xCAP;2xLT) and an additional INF unit as reinforcements which greatly assisted in getting units moving or rallied.

I think this one is a decent challenge for the axis player and it is possible for the Germans to get a victory, I just didn't have it in me. It is a lot to ask of a small force with little stopping power to hold back overwhelming masses. I think the Soviets only stopped twice to engage the enemy and even then with just few units to cause a distraction while the others continued to push on. Despite giving this a "2" rating for a solo effort I believe this one has a decent replay value but probably only against an actual opponent in a shared match so perhaps in the future it will be revisited.

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