Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Revenge is a Dish Best Served with OBA
Author Poor Yorek
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2014-01-29
Language English
Scenario NoEl010

{Side Note} it is interesting how closely the US OOB in this scenario mimics what survived from Sc 9 - gives this one something of a campaign feel.

The Germans have a depleted 3-battalion regiment of infantry supported by a company of StuG-IIIGs and a towed AT (75/41) company. These are augmented by, for a change, copious OBA (4x16 + 1x20) and 6x81mm + 1x120mm mortars on board.

The US is a morale weakened 7/6 force of which about 40% are reduced units (suffered from previous day's combat (Sc #9).

The Heer send one battalion west in the center to press/hold US forces there and prevent/delay shift of elements from the northern section. The main attack force attacks in the south (along with the assault guns).

The US cannot afford to have its armor contingent tied up in assaults to be picked off by the panzers. A long-range duel with the StuG's results with the US taking advantage of the high ground and/or dug-in positions whilst the StuG's rely on their 75L48 gun performance. In the end, these forces more-or-less destroy each other.

German artillery is simply too much for the US, even dug-in. With 7/6 morale and a good portion of their force already reduced, the US is on the receiving end of what it usually dishes out, compound demoralizations and step losses. Whilst the Heer are likewise 7/6 morale - and thus there were several protracted and costly assaults - the hammer-and-anvil attack in the south cleans up quickly, followed by a slow march northwards to clear the forested northern peak.

The Heer recapture the Donnenberg: they will hold the heights until RoRB #1 (IoG #26) - now playing.

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