Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Doctrine Prevails over Training
Author TheDoctor
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2014-01-28
Language English
Scenario IrCu009

Setup: The Americans spread their forces our pretty evenly throughout the map west of the river, with the main defensive line comprised of the best leaders and the M28 tank destroyers, all within three hexes of the river, so to stop any Soviet crossing along the river. The Soviets maintain three groups, one in the north, one in the center, and one in the south. The center force is half of the force, with the rest of the Soviets split evenly between the two other forces.

Play: The Soviets immediately lay down a cover of smoke in the center and south of the map, and begin advancing on these fronts. Within an hour the Soviets having crossed the river and engaged the Americans in the center and the south. The main backbone of the American defense, the M28's, quickly wither under Soviet AT fire, leaving the American infantry venerable to the combined Soviet force.

After the Soviets breakthrough the Americans' line, the center force splits into two one heading due west, the second moving northward to join up with the Soviet force moving east in the north to hit the Americans in the northern town. Meanwhile, in the south, the Soviets' south force smashes into the Americans in the woods on Board 6.

The second round of assaults go well with the Soviets, reversing their luck, for they had more trouble at the main defenses. The Soviet spend almost four hours dealing with the Americans on Board 6 after the Americans bring up some reinforcements from the rear, and delay the Soviets for fifteen turns. In the north, the Soviets finally clean up the Americans on Board 7, and begin to move eastward.

The Soviets' northern forces splits again, one force hitting the two hex town on Board 17, while the second force swings south, but then back north to attack the four hex town from the woods. After another round of fierce assaults, the Soviets have cleared four boards of American units. However, with only four turns left, the Soviets decline to attack the final two boards.

Result: Soviet Major Victory. The Victory Point Count stands at 114-179, with the Soviets having a lead of sixty-five.

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