Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Back on Attack
Author driddle01
Method Solo
Victor France
Play Date 2010-06-27
Language English
Scenario FaoF043

Quick scenario with few units. A company of Germans with an attached 88 must hold onto position against attacking French company with tanks.

Germans set up in woods just above Northern town on board 29. French set up southeast of hill out of German LOS. French move INF up first keeping tanks out of 88mm LOS. French call down Off-board Arty onto the 88mm, and get a 2x result eliminating the 88mm on the 2nd turn!

With the 88mm gone, the Germans advance into the twon with the idea of holding the French off and getting VP for occupying defensible terrain on board 31. They get 1 VP for each step on this board at the end of the game.

With no more AT threat, the French advance with three stacks of tank/INF and set up fire groups to eliminate the Germans. Both sides trade fire with little effect for several turns. The Germans are in the city and keep disrupting a French stack, while the French disrupt Germans to minimize combined fire.

With the end approaching, the French move adjacent to the Germans to try and force their evacuation. Initial German return fire is ineffective at 1 hex range. The French take advantage on the next turn, by demoralizing the German defenders. The Germans are unable to recover and flee the city.

The French are able to route one stack of German defenders thereby winning the game with only 3 German steps on board 31, but four steps eliminated.

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