Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Battle before the Gates of Morannon
Author Poor Yorek
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2014-01-24
Language English
Scenario NoEl003

Well, at least it appeared that way with two medium-sized towns ringed with AT ditches/wire/minefields. No Eagles, though, for the Heer.

The US has the advantage in: force size; morale; engineers for town assaults/mines; armor; aircraft; and copius OBA. The Heer have five wagons. About the only thing going for the defenders is that the US has to huff it 3000-4000m or so to get engaged.

German set-up eschews the the 7-hex town and the one-hex hamlet on B24. An outer perimeter of wire/AT ditches encircles the 6-hex town on B10(NE on the map) and the 9-hex town on B11 (SE on the map) with both having an inner ring of minefields. To have some verisimilitude regarding the latter, I shuffled the minefield counters and placed them without knowing their value. This way, the US "me" really didn't know what was where. The few gaps in the perimeter were filled with entrenched strongpoints or regular units.

The US attack proceeds with three groups: (1) 5xINF + ENG + M4 to invest the B24 town (empty) and ring/spot the SE town (being the secondary objective of the US force); (2) the "heavy group" consisting of a company of 5xINF + 5xHMG and the mortars (these move due east along the road to engage the western facing defensive elements); (3) 6xINF + 2xENG + 3xM4 move NE, E, then turn south to attack the NE town along the north road axis.

US air is active early (4/7 first turns), but then steady rain arrives through turn 16. US OBA waxes cold and hot. The sole high point for the Heer is a 75/41 taking out a step of M4's via OF as it tries to infiltrate the woods SW of B11 town. Otherwise, most of the action is on B10 with the US following the pattern of pushing up INF/leaders to spot; call in OBA to take out the guns; then bring up the ENG/M4's to capture the entrenched GREN + SP (strongpoint) holding the north road. Meanwhile, steady heavy pounding by the HMG force and an assault chips away at the western defense. Due to the ring of mines, the US infiltration was something like reaching into a closed space, then backing out again.

Suffice it to say, by Turn 16 the US owned the B10 town; the B24 town/hamlet; and had inflicted 13 step losses on the Germans. Total VP at this state was US = 42, Germany = 25. A major victory was already attained without need to engage the B11 defensive network.

The play/movement was worth a '3' rating, but the seeming inevitability of the US win gives this one a '2' for lack of "fire." All that being said, had the VP award been Three for the Germans holding B10 and/or B11 town hexes and the US Two for the same - rather than the published reversed - I think things might be quite a bit more exciting. For example, with my "suggested" VP disbursement, the corresponding score above would have been US = 36 and Germany = 34: the US would have had to make inroads into the B11 town within the remaining eight turns (including getting themselves reorganized).

I also suspect that the US OBA is misprinted and should be 4x18 not 4x16 as written since US 105mm units have an 18 value elsewhere throughout the series.

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