Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Transvaal Scottish live up to motto -("We are tough bastards")
Author Brett Nicholson
Method Solo
Victor Britain, South Africa
Play Date 2013-12-23
Language English
Scenario SAWa008

After I read the historical outcome of this battle and then checked the deployment and OOB of both sides I didn't see where the South Africans had an incredible advantage over the DAK. On paper it looks like a reasonable match-up. The German victory conditions looked easier to achieve a major victory than a minor one by just having to eliminate 8 South African steps and suffer no more than 5 German step losses. The minor victory conditions were to clear all road hexes within a certain radius of enemy units.

The South African forces deploy in plain sight, dug-in within and around 4 road hexes. Two trucks are loaded with 2-pdrs ready to track down approaching panzers. The Germans enter from the north edge of the map. To the northeast there is a hill area but this only benefits South African forces initially as the trucks take cover behind it waiting for German armored units to move and to stay clear of being spotted by the 50mm AT gun or the 81mm mortar unit which have immediately unloaded after arriving on the map. The SPW251s and panzers of course go in the opposite direction to support an attack on the left flank of dug-in defenders.

5 hours/20 turns is not a lot of time to attempt to clear a lot of units off the road so the DAK foot units advance straight on. At 10:30/turn 3 a full German HMG platoon is wiped out by South African HMG opportunity fire after "snake eyes" are rolled on the 16 column and right away the Germans are down 2 steps. Then, at 11:00/turn 5, the Germans lose an INF step attempting to advance closer from opportunity fire. Things were about to get a lot worse for the DAK. The 2-pdrs have been able to deploy within firing range of German armored units as the 81mm and 50mm had been kept in check by South African OBA and the trucks waited until armored units moved first before unloading. At 11:30/turn 7 South African Opportunity fire eliminates another advancing German HMG pushing German step losses to 4 and then one of the 2-pdrs scores a 12 result against one of the PzIIIGs. Now that Germany has taken over 5 step losses and cannot meet major victory requirements less caution is exercised and the remaining units push forward to meet the defenders head-on.

The first German assault at 12:00/turn 9 causes losses to both sides and South Africa takes it's first step loss losing one INF. Then, at 12:15/turn 10, the panzers attempt an assault on their own but the SA first fire leaves the PzIVE demoralized and the PzIIIF disrupted. A check is made for surrender but luckily it is passed (in this scenario German tank units are subject to the surrender rule). So midway through the battle the Germans have taken severe losses and not one road hex has been cleared. At least half of the German foot units are in some sort of disorder and have fled away from the attack. At one point three German leaders; Major, Captain and Lieutenant are all left on their own, adjacent to the South African machine-gun nest, scratching their heads wondering where the hell all their infantry ran off to. Before the German Major can retreat to try to track down, scold and possibly rally the units that had abandoned him he is mowed down in hail of lead. Things keep going from bad to worse for the DAK. All their support units; 50mm, 81mm and halftracks all eliminated. Only one step of HMG remains but that has long fled the battle. The only thing they have left to try to finish this attack are a few panzers and one good order INF unit. All other leaders and units have been scattered in almost every direction but south attempting to rally and with not much luck.

Towards the end of the battle one more push is made with one PzIvE, one PzIIIF, Lieutenant and INF unit and this assault starts to roll on and grind through enemy units but time is almost up and South African forces have still not given up one of their controlled road hexes . Then the 2-pdrs get lucky again and take out two more panzer steps leaving one reduced PzIIIG demoralized which actually surrenders on the last game turn. So it ends with a Major South African victory and the DAK are devastated. This was probably one of the bloodiest German desert war defeats I've experianced, as the attackers, since some of the earlier Tobruk trench battles from 'Afrika Korps'. However I found it to be a great solo play and give it a '4'. I really think that Germany could win this one and that it's not impossible however South Africa continued to get good dice rolls from the start and the 4X13 OBA did help a lot but overall not that imbalanced, it just wasn't the DAK's day. The Transvaal Scotiish truly lived up to their motto ("We are tough bastards")

Ending losses were:

Germany: 1 Major, 1 Lieutenant, 6 INF, 3 HMG, 1x81mm, 1x50mm, 3x SPW251, 1 PzIIIF and 4 PzIIIG (one of which surrendered).

South Africa: 9 INF and 1x3-inch.

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