Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Gran Intermezzo RTB #37 or Dance of the lumbering Tiger
Author PatC
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2013-12-15
Language English
Scenario RtBr037

The Allies set up in a forward position with mines around the western most village. The mines were set in an attempt to channelize the Axis movement. It did. Right down the Soviet throat.

The Axis flowed through the channel led by the lumbering and all but invincible Tiger IIs. Axis ATG fire was totally ineffective. Even the one crossfire bonus shot the Allies managed was way off the mark. This stack along with some close infantry and artillery support were crushing everything before it. Allied artillery and mortars did have an effect in slowing this juggernaut down but never stopping it.

In desperation the Allies assaulted the stack of Tigers with three platoons. Two were Inf and a HMG with the best leader on the board, an 11-1-1 Guard Capt. This assault succeeded in eliminating one step of Tigers with the other step from the platoon becoming demoralized. In Addition an additional Tiger platoon became demoralized in this same assault. These two units were then out of the advance for a number of turns. This left just one Tiger II along with the other supporting units to keep up the narrow front attack. Despite the fact that ultimately the whole Allied assault force was eliminated including the 11-1-1 Leader, it was not enough to curb the Axis advance.

The axis used their direct fire and artillery to soften Allied units for assault with the remaining Tiger platoon coupled with a couple of Gren platoons and a Good Capt. and Lt. with combat and moral modifiers leading the assault. Now that the minefield had been breached the Allies were really on the run.

Although they could sometimes harass the Axis advance with their artillery and mortars they could not stop it. The Axis had a couple of lucky rolls with a artillery fire snake eyes knocking out two steps, one an ATG/Artillery. Then in assault the Axis inflicted a 3 step loss rolling on the 30 column. That is 5 steps with just two rolls. OUCH!

The Allies did prevent the Axis from getting to the bridge and held one village hex at game's end. A sort of moral victory I guess. But the Axis came away with a minor victory but with the lopsided 22 to 2 step advantage. This would have been much better if as the Allies I had set up differently or with more skill would be a more accurate description. Despite my muffed setup I'll give this scenario a 3. It was fun to play and has many options for both sides.

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