Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Hear my roar
Author waynebaumber (Germany)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants tlangston28 (AAR)
Play Date 2013-12-01
Language English
Scenario BlSS006

Played in one session lasting less then 5 hours against Tony Langston using Skype. This scenario see an outnumbered SS battle group attacked by a strong combined force of British Sherman's, M3's and RIF units. The German though have two Tiger platoons to aid in their defense of town hexes on board 31. As the German commander I chose to hold a line across the middle of the board anchoring it with a tiger platoon on each flank. The plan was to hold up the British advance for as long as possible then withdraw to the large town to the south to make a stand. The Brits advance on to the board using the large fields as cover, a lucky MTR shot did slow the a RIF platoon down but what really messed up the Brigades advance was the good old fog of war, with the first 2 game turns ending very quickly this in effect turned a 12 turn scenario into a 10 turn scenario. Tony to his credit stuck with his game plan, and st one stage managed to set up some flanking shots on the Tiger's but long range and elevation made these very tough shots and the Brit tanks having missed did not get a second chance as the Tigers replied with accurate fire and brewed up several Sherman's and a Firefly. With that success the Germans bugged out to the second line and then waited to the assault. The British commander divided his forces into two flanking groups, this though took up more precious time but eventually the attack went in. In fact German defensive fire was not very accurate and the Brits closed up to the town just losing a couple more Sherman's and an M3 half-track. This led to the British getting a toehold into the main town but the SS held firm and even counterattacked. With night looming the British commander called the attack off, this gave the SS unit a chance to slip away having once again increased the fearsome reputation of the Tiger tank. Although not Tony's fault this scenario was just a little too one sided to rate more than a 3. As the German commander I did not need to do a lot but "watch and shoot" as the British troops have to cover a lot of ground in front of those Tigers.

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