Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
A very remakable win
Author waynebaumber (Germany)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants unknown
Play Date 2013-11-27
Language English
Scenario AaGI001

Played over 4 sessions lasting from April to November against Joseph Ladd this scenario has a mixture of German units including elements of a Volksgrenadier division, unattached AFV company and an combat engineer regiment trying to clear two roads of American units. The Americans are greatly outnumbered but have the advantages of terrain and excellent OBDA. The Germans have in effect to split their units and attack down the roads on thier divisional axis. The Americans had an excellent set up with a dug in ridge defense on board 25 and on board 22 a defense centered around the three town hexes at the centre of the board. The initial German plan was for the Volksgrenadier units to just demonstrate against the units on board 25 and pin them down without losing too may units, the ENG,STUGs and element of the regular Grenadier division would push heavly against the units on boards 22 clear the road and then take the remaining Ami's in the flank. The fist two hours fighting saw the German ENG units repulsed and having to regroup but the American screening units had been badly mauled amd the 3" artillery piece destroyed giving the STUG's some freedom of movement. The following hour saw the German noose tighten around the towns but losses where now beging to mount and on the Volksgrenadier units were struggling to make any headway on the German left flank. US artillery was now making its presence felt and even as the first town hexes fell German losses had meant that the US player could claim a minor victory. Elated by this the US commander made a small but significant error which allowed the Germans to finally penetrate the ridge line on the left flank, with he STUG's roaming freely behind the US line momentum slowly shifted to the German forces. The final hours of combat saw assault after assault against the remaining now encircled American units on board 22 while the VG units where finally being reinforced by regular units, but time was now running out for the Germans and still there where good order US forces on both roads. Finally all the US units were captured or eliminated on the German right flank this road was now clear! The result suely would be a draw as there where only four turns left to clear the left flanks road, however the German commander flung his units forward pinning several US forces in assault and using the STUG's to screen recently regrouped American units in the woods so they were unable to regain the road. In the last 15 minutes of battle just 1 hex held out with 2 US INF units clinging to thier dugouts, surrounded by German units could they hold out? The German artillery rained down on this last bastion, this succeeded in taking out one of the advancing VG units but also disrupted the AMI units the onboard MTR's then joined in and with a lucky roll demoralized the final US units, they next impulse failed to rally, and the Germans had pulled off a remarkable if lucky major victory. Wow, what a great game, played well by both players in a good spirit, though both Joseph and I noted how tense the last few turns where and the idle chatter between gane turns had somewhat lessened, this is why I game and why PG can hit my war game G spot. A good balanced scenario going down to the last turn and almost the last die roll. Excellent. A bigger plus what that I actually met Joseph face to face when he visited London after our first session of this scenario, very nice to put flesh on to that voice coming over the headphones.

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