Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Bad, Bad Road
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2013-11-22
Language English
Scenario RoRB002

This shorter scenario provided a nice look as a small American combined arms unit moving to attack a German town in the Roer River campaign. The Germans have a unit of the Wild Buffaloes, a famed unit for the defensive stands during the Americans initial advance into Germany. They have a nice defensive position in holding the town of Hostenrath. With mines, fortification and the town terrain they look to fortify the town and dare the Americans to advance against it.

The Germans position their AT gun and Stug to cover the main road as well as the east and west flanks from any armor maneuver. Infantry cover the close hexes with others deep in the town to counter attack when need. Their entrenchments are also positioned close to the town to extend fields of fire for the AT and INF guns. The mines are place in the lone town to the east as well as one lone hex in Hastenrath.

The Americans are forced to setup in the southern town on board 11. Here the task force loads up with the M4's and M4/76's leading the way behind the recon units. The Captain will bring up the INF/HMG/ENG in M3's once the AT threat is minimized.

The advance starts with the I&R and armored car advancing up the road to try to spot or draw German fire. They do as the German OBA demoralized the I&R unit, before it is double-demoralized for a step lose. But the armored car makes it to the fields to spot the units on the edge of town. Two platoons of M4's advance to the west of town to try to flank but the 75mm AT finds its mark on one of them. The remnants as well as the other M4 platoon make it to the field east of the town. They find they cannot advance to far as the German Stug has the western advances covered. The other M4's and M4/76 advance to the cover of the fields nearest the lone town. The light Stuarts and M10 move to the east under the cover of the fields and will try to advance from the east to the Hastenrath defenses. The Captain orders the infantry company to advance up the fields and capture the lone town as well as position for a assault on the east side of town.

The Americans and Germans trade OBA morale checks while the American tanks position for an attack. The Germans pull back some of the INF's out in front of Hastenrath and reposition for the American advance. The American M8 positions to spot the first strongpoint and discovers AT weapons as well as HMG's waiting for them. American OBA scores a key demoralization on the 75mm AT and the the M4's dash for the entrenchment. Seeing the opening the Germans switch the Stug to the east, leaving the west defended by INF and the ING gun. The M4/76's position for shots on the Stug once the firing starts. On the the next turn the German get the initiative and the Stug fire on the the two M4's, reducing them both. But the M4/76's get one step of the Stugs and they demoralize. At this point the other Stuarts advance but the strongpoint AT scores a hit on one of them. American HMG open up on the German GREN's but the morale checks are easily shaken off. The second group of M4's take up the advance on the entrenchment with on INF. They are able to get in and destroy the AT gun and a GREN but at a loss of another M4 step.

At the point the Germans need to shift units to meet the growing threat, but the American M4's to the west as well as the I&R and LT. They are able to position on for seeing the German commandpost and call in OBA. A direct hit reduces the German ENG's and demoralizes the Major. The M4's advance to point blank fire on the, but the lone INF Gun scores an AT hit on the full strength M4, stopping the advance.

But back to the fight in the east, the Americans consolidate there hold on the entrenchment and us this to assault the INF/HMG combo holding the southeast town hex. American OBA strikes again with a demoralization on the HMG. Losing the Majors command post to demoralization was the big hope for the Americans as the HMG needed the help. The American INF and M4 advance into the hex and are able to demoralize the INF and reduce the HMG through a double demoralization. The next turn they they do make it out of the hex as another GREN enters to provide cover. But this GREN is lost a turn later in the assualt, but not with out taking one American INF step as well.

To the northwest the other American Stuart and the M10 position in the light woods to try to get the remaining Stug. The American M8 positions for a spot on the Stug but is reduced by the AT strongpoint. But this spot is what the M10 needed and finishes off the Stug struggling to recover.

But with it being only 12 turn, the time runs out for the Americans and the Germans hold the town for the win. Final total were six town hexes for the Germans, two for the Americans, Germans loses were one and half GRENs, half HMG, half ENG, 75mm AT/wagon, Stug while the Americans losses were five steps of M4's, half M8, half Stuart, two steps of INF, half I&R. This gave the Germans 28 to the Americans 16 and the major victory.

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