Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Desert Sitzkeig
Author plloyd1010 (Soviet Union)
Method Face to Face
Victor Japan
Participants WightTiger
Play Date 2013-11-17
Language English
Scenario PotE011

Pertinent house rules: Fast mech, Presumed crest, Limited intrinsic AFV leaders, No downhill fire modifier, Efficient AT/AA

Terrain notes: We treated hexes west of the river as clear terrain, but units more than 3 hexes west from the river were were not visible from 0 elevation hexes. Branch roads to town hexes were treated as non-existent.

This is a HUGE scenario. Japanese forces are twice what comfortably works in PG, the Soviet deployment is even bigger. We were playing 2-4 turns a session. Juxtaposed to that, the Soviets need a lot more time to have any chance at winning. There is not enough march time for the 293rd Rifle Regiment to get across the board (needs to go 34 hexes in 20 turns at a max speed of 2), unless unopposed (that guaranties opposition) they won’t make it. The firepower of the 11th Tank Brigade is needed for the hill assaults, so no exit for them either. The Russians are not going to win.

Not being able to win doesn’t often stop me from playing, so here is what transpired. The Japanese were deployed much as expected. The northern hill was more heavily garrisoned than the south. The Japanese 71st regiment mostly concentrated near the board 8 hill, with about a 1/3 ready to march toward the hill defenders. The western Soviet infantry began their advances against their respective hills. Artillery and mortars concentrated in parks with low moral leaders having combat modifiers being present.

The Soviet artillery park on the western side attracted quite a lot of attention. Soon the Japanese on the northern hill sallied 2 companies to attack it. Direct artillery fire slowed the attackers enough for Soviet infantry to reposition themselves and meet the threat. Between artillery and infantry fire, and subsequent pursuit, very few of the Japanese made it back to the hill.

The 82nd Rifle Division demonstrated in front of the hills. The 603rd Rifle Regiment, being better lead than the 602nd Rifle Regiment, was able to advance against the north end of the board 16 hill. The 293rd Rifle Regiment and 11th Tank Brigade harangued the Japanese trying to reach the hills, and moved against the board 16 hill. The force of the attacks from both sides mostly cleared the hill.

In the end, the Soviets held the south hill while the Japanese remained on the northern one. Having 40 some Japanese units on the northern hill was an impossible victory point hurdle to overcome. The Soviet losses were 22 steps (modified for tanks & armored cars) for a total of 8 units worth (the armored car loss counts double). Japanese had lost 37 steps, with a unit count of 19. With the 40+ points from the hill defenders added to the total, the Japanese won.

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