Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 10th:
Arctic Front Deluxe #27 - Black Day of the Finnish Army Intervention #2 - Road to Damascus
Arctic Front #17 - Black Day of the Finnish Army Liberation 1944 #10 - Here to Stay
Airborne #10 - Montebourg Station Liberation 1944 #11 - A New Experience
Airborne #17 - Juncture Lions of Finland #7 - Black Day of the Finnish Army
Airborne #18 - Juncture II Panzer Lehr 2 #3 - Guderian's Ducks
Airborne - IE #15 - Montebourg Station Panzer Lehr #3 - Guderian's Ducks
Airborne - Remastered #22 - Montebourg Station Sword of Israel #46 - Jelabina
Airborne - Remastered #23 - Le Ham Sword of Israel #47 - Baniyas
Edelweiss IV #4 - Aspirant Rouge Sword of Israel #48 - Vasit-Mansoura Road
Intervention #1 - Negev Encounter Sword of Israel #49 - Uphill out of Darbishiyeh
Strength renewed and drained
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2013-10-27
Language English
Scenario WoaP024

This scenario proved to be a very interesting and fun scenario. A moderate to large sized play it has some interesting twists that make it more difficult than it looks. First the setup, although the Germans are on the attack they must setup first. This gives the Soviets the advantage to position their defense based on the German attack. Second the victory conditions, a series of objectives that the Germans must achieve to win. Most are difficult and one is nearly impossible. But it is not all that easy for the Soviets. They have mostly infantry units and artillery which makes them not to mobile, while the Germans have a good lot of PZIII's to move around and fire on the weak points of the Soviets. But first they must overcome the Soviet knowledge of the the attack. The Germans also get some aircraft and the Soviet get some reinforcing BM-13's.

Back to the setup, this is a four board setup lengthwise and double stacked. This gives a little room to maneuver, but there are some interesting terrain mods. Railroads, trails limited hills and lots of woods. The fighting will general center around Borodino Station with a grueling assault by the Germans on the town. But trying to maneuver the German will run into woods and a dugin, town deployed set of INF's and HMG's that will be another grueling assault. For the Germans, they setup one battalion of infantry supported by HMG's, ENG's and some PzIIIG's in Utitzy. These will be the troops that will have to brave point blank fire from the Borodino Station defenders. These prove to be two company of INFs and a company of HMG's. To the west, setup in the large woods the second German battalion setup to attack north into Semmenakya, then turn east to move across the east-west road. Here the Soviets have setup three companies INF and a company of HMG's. The Germans have PzIIIH's and PzIve's to push the Soviets out. Soviet artillery is positioned in the woods behind Semmenakya to cover both towns. The Soviets one weak link is they have nothing to cover a breakthrough and will need to stop the Germans cold.

The attack on Borodino Station start bloody for the Germans. As the move up the Soviet spotters in the town hit the assault force for two step losses and quite a few disruptions. Good German leadership gets the attack back on track by moving the remaining assault ENG's up under the cover of the rail embankment. They are able to close on the defenders and start to break the Soviet morale. German assault teams move up but Soviet OP fire comes back to life and keeps reinforcements at bay. Several turns pass as the initial assaults bog down with disruptions and demoralizations for the Germans, but they get back on track with two key assault victories. The first assault clears the town after a three step loss on the Soviets wins the hex. Second was a full strength Soviet HMG is lost to a OBA barrage leaving a demoralized INF to defend. This is quickly dealt with by the assault force. But the casualties are high for the assault force, eight steps lost for the Soviet sixteen lost. But the town was in German hands and this gives the first and second victory conditions.

To the west the second battalion begins there attack on Semmenakya. The first troops look to take the high ground in front of the town, but wind up in a prolonged attack that takes most of the scenario to break out of. One Soviet company is able to hold up the German attack as they are not able to break the Soviets. Given that most of German OBA is tied up with the Borodino attack support fire is relegated to a couple of German mortars. The Soviets shift troops after the loss of Borodino Station and are able to keep a large blocking force in front of the Germans. This forces the Germans to abandon the attack on Semmenakya and shift forces to support the breakout of Borodino Station. But the Soviets take advantage and get a few German step losses.

The last act of the scenario is the breakout and exiting of the German troops off the board. After consolidating the Borodino assault force, the Germans push for the heights before the town. Several PzIIIG's and H's advance up the hill and take care of the BT's on the hills. Two companies of German troops advance to support as the Soviets rush to try to cut off the Germans. But it is too late with the edge of the heights taken the block the Soviets from counter attacking Borodino Station as well as firing on the exiting SPW251's and the lead forces to push on Moscow. The final victory for the Germans with three of four victory conditions achieved.

It was a tough victory for the Germans, nineteen steps lost. But there was still enough to get twenty five of the board. The Soviet lost was bigger, forty two steps lost. Most of these loses were during the fight for Borodino Station, but due to the roadblock that could not be broken this forced the Germans into more exposed positions and losses accumulated there as well. A very good play and highly recommended for two player play.

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