Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Manhandled more like badly handled
Author waynebaumber
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2013-07-28
Language English
Scenario KurS005

My first foray into Kursk was a solo effort and what a good scenario this is. The Germans have to clear the east/west road over three boards, clear all town hexes and exit 30 steps off the board edge just to get a minor victory. The SS are well equipped but facing them are entrenchments, T34's and a well dug in force of Soviet INF and assorted support platoons. It looks a tough ask for the Germans and in my game so it proved. The Red Army can defend in depth and also trade space for time, falling back slowly towards the main town on board 38. Some of the German AFV are fairly vulnerable to 76.2 Art so some care must be taken with the PZIIIJ's in particular. The German attack opened with three main thrusts one in the centre and one to each flank, the left flank attack got bogged down very quickly but the other two attacks surged forwards however the Russian forces waited until the last moment and slipped away to form another line further to the east, losses were in fact light on both side considering the amount of firepower available. However losses soon began to mount as the sun rose and the SS pressed forward against the trenches and minefields in their way. The Soviet tactic of just dropping back 400m before the main German line was working well, even though it seems to go against the grain to evacuate well prepared defensive positions, the clock was ticking and in this scenario time is the Red commanders ally. With 2 hours left the German commander was forced to throw some caution to the wind and with the help of the Luftwaffe's Stuka's finally started to make some inroads onto the Soviet defense with 16 Soviet steps eliminated for only 6 SS steps there seemed to be a glimmer of hope that at least one Victory Condition would be fulfilled. Alas two quick turns later (FOW rolled after only 4 activation's for the Germans and 6 activation's respectfully) soon put paid to that and the attack was called off by by the German commander for a Soviet major victory. What a cracking scenario with excitement on every turn, as you can tell by the tone of my AAR I feel it favours the Soviets, however I am sure Herr Hughes will prove me wrong as this is one game I most certainly want to play FtF. As I am sure that the attack should have been better though out and I want to test my fallback defensive tactics against a live opponent.

2013-08-04 10:46

Is that a gauntlet being laid down for the next "Wayne Favourite" scenario when it's turn is to come ? :-)

2013-08-06 09:49

It sure is, oh ugly one, but beware I think its pro Soviet and I hate to see you watering down your beer with the bitter tears of frustration.

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