Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Hidden Units Should Be Well Hidden
Author Hugmenot (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Britain
Participants Matt W
Play Date 2013-06-29
Language English
Scenario PaLe006

Played face-to-face with Matt W in about 90 minutes.

As the German commander, my primary goal should be to prevent the British from exiting too many units of the map. Whether it was is highly debatable.

You can see pictures of our setup in Post #5 of this thread

I set up my German troops forward to engage the British units early. This, I believe, was a mistake.

The British sends two armored cards down the road to scout and find a hidden panzer. One armored car paid the price, suffering a step loss, but the other survived two shots (at +3 and +4) and made it through the German lines. I was disappointed with my poor shooting but did not make too much of it at the time. The British also sent their infantry forward and found another hidden panzer.

One turn into the game and the Germans had only one hidden unit remaining.

The British strategy was simple but also very effective. Move the powerful guns in light woods, in position to shoot at my panzers if I took a shot at one of his units moving forward. I took a few shots and made me pay for it. There is no fair exchange when you have less troops and must prevent the attacker from exiting the board.

I fell back with my remaining assets and put my panzers in the best possible position to prevent a breakthrough while Matt moved his armor forward. A few shots were exchanged but without further German losses.

That was the cue for the armored car that made it through on the first turn played a big role. Matt took advantage he had higher initiative and moved it close to one of my panzers late in a turn to set up cross fires the next if he won the initiative. Matt won the initiative by two and the armored shot. A miss (it needed a “12” to hit) but it set up a deadly crossfire. With only two armored units left, I gave up as there is no way I can prevent British armor from exiting en masse.

British major victory.

I gave this one a “3”. We played two scenarios that afternoon was the other scenario) and both deserved a “3.5” in my opinion but gave the “4” to Saipan #12 because I believe it’s more solitaire friendly.

One thing to note is that I have yet to contain Matt’s force when he has a larger, more mobile armor pool than I have. Maybe I will write an article when I learn something useful!

1 Comment
(edited 2013-07-01 16:39)

One thing to note is that I have yet to contain Matt’s force when he has a larger, more mobile armor pool than I have.

LOL - Practice on the Westwall and Siegfried Line etc. You will soon learn your trade as the Germans ! (have not read it in ages, but maybe my post Westwall series completion synopsis that I wrote on the PG forum may allude to defence tactics in the situations of which you mention ?)

P.S - As always, love your fascination for defensive tactics and set-ups !

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