Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Koepang Day 1 or Compass!, Compass!, We don't need no stinkin compass!
Author PatC
Method Solo
Victor Japan
Play Date 2013-06-02
Language English
Scenario NiSi002

Both side draw mediocre leaders. The Allies set up in the extreme lower right hand corner of Bd 35. Also another 2 platoons and an HMG on hex 1208 on bd 34. The Axis entered bd 35 south end and another two companies entered 0717 on bd 35.

Despite the fact the Allied reinforcements entered at 11:45 they made good progress through the jungle & by 1:30 pm were within 4 hexes of road exit hex 1208. Amazingly no units got lost in the jungle during this move. They had also inflicted 15 step losses on the Allies and only had taken one in return. Unfortunately the other two companies got bogged down on the road. They were just now entering bd 34. This represented 6 platoons out of 15 that started the game. In addition one of the quality leaders the Axis had, a 10-1-0 Ensign, was KIA by a sniper leaving two platoons leaderless in the jungle.

Over time the Axis were able to push the Allies back to the 1208 road exit on bd 34. The Allies were worn down by assaults and a failure to recover. The Axis were slowed by numerous disruptions & demoralizations but few step losses. The scenario ended at 1715 when the last Japanese platoon exited. The Japanese exited 23 steps and eliminated 39 Allied steps. The Axis lost 6 steps. All that adds up to a Axis major victory. Rating 2. I still can't believe that during the whole scenario only two Axis units were "lost" in the jungle. That is the thing I like about this game system. You just never know what will happen next.

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