Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Panzers Head East -- Way, Way East
Author rerathbun
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2013-05-22
Language English
Scenario WaMa011

This is the least-likely PG scenario ever, with the possible exception of the one involving aliens. A Waffen SS division has invaded Western Australia, and is apparently trying to break out from the coast to terrorize the outback. An Australian armored division is trying to prevent them. The Germans have the advantage in tanks, but are hampered by the quality of their leadership and must cross a wide field to exit to the east.

The Australians set up in depth on the desert ridges, blocking the only east-west road. The tanks were out on the flanks, hoping to set up crossfires and prevent the German transports from sneaking around the edges.

The Germans advanced up the road until they made contact, with the platoon of Tiger tanks leading the way. Once contact was made, the leading German infantry unloaded and set up in front of the Australians blocking the road, with the objective of tying them down. The remainder of the force headed off-road around the south flank, with the tanks screening in front of them to keep the Australian armor from picking off the transports.

The Germans made an early mistake, allowing the Tiger platoon to move within four hexes of a large group of Australian infantry and APCs that had not yet activated. The Australians rushed the tank, and then assaulted it when they got the initiative on the following turn. The swarm overwhelmed the Tigers which went down fighting.

The Australian tanks managed to take out some of the German armor and several transports, but lost most of their Grants in return. The Honeys helped set up some crossfires, but once the Grants were neutralized they could only stay back from the heavier German tanks and try to pick off straggling transports from a distance.

Australian off-board artillery and 2 pdr anti-tank guns took their toll on the German transports, forcing most of the troops to disembark and march toward the exit. The Australians shifted their reserves off the road to block the way, but their APCs were no match for the German armor and they were hampered by having to march to the edges.

In the end, the flank march was successful. The Germans managed to exit almost three full companies of infantry plus transports, and almost half of their tanks. The Australians inflicted a serious casualties, but not enough to turn the battle in their favor.

German Victory

This is a good scenario. It can be tough for the Australians, particularly if the Germans don't let the Tigers get too close to the infantry. They have to use their tanks block the German exit, while keeping them from being wiped out by the superior German armor. The Germans also have some good challenges. They have to keep the forces moving without losing too many loaded transports to off-board artillery and Australian tanks.

(edited 2013-05-22 17:56)

I always wanted to see this scenario played, if not by me, by some one else. Thanks for the good AAR.

2013-05-22 19:25

Thanks for the comment, and for all the PG projects you've done over the past few years. I tell Dr. Mike he should do more Pacific PG whenever I see him.


P.S. Thanks also for not getting too interested in Waltzing Matilda until I (finally) got my first ribbon! ;-)

2013-05-22 20:11

I am glad you have your first Ribbon!

Tell Mike to hurry and get (Tinian 1944 & Guam 1941 & 1944) Published! :

And not to mention, between you and I, (The Korean War: Retreat to the Pusan Perimeter, June 25th-August 4th) and also (Strange and Unusual Armor Vehicles).

All three are excellent designs, and I am only telling you this, because I believe you are a Gold-Club member and most likely already know, as all three have been mention there already.

Anyway, I really like Waltzing Matilda but have only played one or two scenarios from it a long time ago.

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