Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Hard fight for little ground
Author campsawyer (Germany)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Draw
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2013-04-12
Language English
Scenario FaoF017

Played with Wayne Baumber over the course of four 5-6 hour sessions in six months. As Wayne had stated in his AAR, this one is not for the faint of heart. Both sides will need to commit troops to attacks that they will not want to do and wither fire that is murderous. But it was very enjoyable as Wayne's troops always gives my troops a tough fight. Casualties will be high we had a total of over 80 step losses between the two of us. The French taking the majority, but were able to dish out punishment too.

From the German perspective, they took a broad approach with there advance. Knowing that the French having the ability to deliver multiple 30+ OBA fire on the Germans try advance to take the minimal loses. But French OBA is able to inflict five INF step losses in the first two turns. The Germans are able to close on the nearest town as well as get there numerous HMG's inplace to fire on the town with a 10-2-1 Captain supported by the German 10-1-2 Colonel. This gives the Germans the edge to disrupt and demoralize the defending French units. Closing for assaults, the Germans get into the town in the center of their advance. The assaults grid down the French and make it hard for their artillery to fire on the Germans without a threat of hitting their own troops.

The French shift troops to try to hold the line while German ENG's try to work into the town from the south. But working through a minefield the ENG is hit with both DF and BF and is destroyed. But this gives the other Germans troops time to push to the west side of the town. German OBA targets AT guns and gets some success with knocking out a 25mm. German assaults are still the main weapon in the center. Some units move to try to push on the south side of the town but the heavily defended rail cut puts down fire that stops them at a road block. Soon a company of assault troops are reduced to a platoon holding a captured roadblock. But this continue to keep the French stretched out on their defense.

Finally, armored reinforcements appear along with a second batch of aircraft. Taking advantage of limbered guns German Stuka's and He111's strike the 155mm guns destroying them followed by an attack on the powerful French 47mm AT gun that is also destroyed. This gives the German armor a little less to worry about. But French OBA continues to reduce German assault INF's with two or more being reduced every turn.

German armor moves up to the town to combined with the assault troops. Driving through the lines they move forward to threaten the breach. French AT guns are spotted and the tanks take evasive maneuvers. German OBA targets the guns and reduces two more. But the French 75mm scores a hit on the German PzIVD before it is reduced by OBA. This leaves just two AT's left and only one is in a good defensive position. The other tries for position south of the northern town but OBA soon reduces it. One to go, more on that later.

In the north the German INF reinforcements look to push toward the town, but the French have HMG's and INF's in position and dish out quite a bit of fire before slowly being reduced and blocked into the town. Infantry fire groups and armor fire groups pour fire into the town and roadblock before the town. Eventually the roadblock is reduced and the INF and move forward. They are able to get into the town while the armor closes for point blank fire. This attack is reinforced by PzII and PzI that take several town hexes before the end of the game.

In the center the final push is made. Several initial German attempts to close on the farmhouses to the west of the German breach are thwarted by French OBA, but a big multi-unit push strung out the French OBA and the Germans are able to assault the farmhouses. This is important as the last AT gun is in the western buildings. Initially a couple of squads get in and disrupt units and tie up the AT gun. The French maneuver reinforcements into the town to force the Germans to move more reinforcements up. Eventually the Germans get a major force into an assault but run out of time to destroy the three French steps holding the town. The French did get the AT out of town, but not before it is shot up and demoralized by a roving German armored car. The Germans have one chance to win a Major victory by destroying a French INF stuck on the edge of German corridor to the west. Heavy German fire on the unit cannot kill or demoralized it before time runs out. This left both sides with a minor victory and a draw for the final outcome.

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