Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Attack Interrupted
Author tlangston28
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2013-02-24
Language English
Scenario BaBu001

Interruption is one of the smallest PG scenarios available, easily playable in an evening. The Americans, consisting of 3 infantry platoons and an HMG platoon are required to take one of three victory hexes while preventing the loss of 2 or more steps being inflicted on them.

First turn, The Germans get 3 activations before the Americans move and they proceed to move onto the board and face immediate OPFIRE which results in a step loss. Since the rest of the Germans cannot move until released by proximity of the Americans, the turn ends. Americans win initiative next turn and begin to advance on 0903, in hopes of surviving OPFIRE and getting in position for an assualt. However, the German OPFIRE was extremely effective, producing two "M1" results on the same stack causing a disruption and demoralization. After that, several turns were spent trying to recover, which the Americans were never quite able to do, finally losing the entire HMG platoon and having an INF platoon flee back into the woods. American Arty arrives on turn 6 (a six was rolled) and ends the game.

After playing this quick game, I looked at the map and probably could have made a better move when approaching the Germans in the static positions, having released two of the three hexes by my approach. The dice rolls were also extremely brutal against the Americans and when they lost the HMG unit, The entering Germans perched on the southern hill in the woods and created a killing zone that would have been brutal had the game continued. The scenario seems to play well solo, providing a puzzle for the Americans to figure the best way to gain a victory hex without losing 2 steps.

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