Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Seven lives for one's country or Stay at home on the misdirection play!
Author PatC
Method Solo
Victor Japan
Play Date 2013-01-27
Language English
Scenario Saip029

The US set up with the artillery on the 40mm SW hill. A Capt. and a Inf & a HMG set on the NW hill overlooking the cane fields. The US also had a force in the jungle east of the road. The Axis hit the center of the Allied line with the Rikusentai. The Allies converged on this attack in an effort to blunt what looked like and was intended to be the main Axis thrust. The Allies were able to get into blocking positions and did cause some casualties on the advancing Axis platoons. They took a couple of step losses in return. In the mean time a large group of IJA made a dash for the open ground at the south edge of board 83. Only two stacks of Allied units were able counter this move. They both were quickly overwhelmed by Axis assaults. Axis win. This was a fun scenario. The Allied set up was faulty. They left critical ground poorly covered. This was the rub; they had a lot of frontage to cover and not a large force. The Japanese zigged one way pulling the defense with them and zagged another,leaving Allied platoons beating the air. Faked out on the misdirection play. First down Yokohama. Move the chains.

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