Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Well THAT wasn't how to set up the Italians...
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Britain, Poland
Play Date 2013-01-02
Language English
Scenario CaBr003

I find it hard to write up an AAR when I have brutally misplayed a side in a solo play. I left the Italians much too spread out in an attempt to contest control of the road. In the end, the road was contested but the rest of the Italian defenders had been scattered to the winds for an easy Polish victory. The Italians do not have the firepower necessary to present anything less than speed bumps to the Poles unless they are concentrated. With Sappers, Matildas, morale superiority and good leadership the Poles can make stunningly effective assaults, even on entrenchments. Consider that an HMG, Matilda, Sapper and a leader with a combat bonus will assault on the 30 column against entrenchments as long as they are not disrupted on the way in.

I will need to play this one again to see if a better setup can make it a competitive play. In the end, however, my play seems to have given some credence to the Tobruk garrison's insistence that they should have been given the opportunity to try a breakout against the Axis forces during Crusader. I give it a "3" for this play as it was still fun to see the Poles on the attack.

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